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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

I learned the hard way this weekend that it really doesn't help at all but actually hurts to draft in another boats wake. If the customs guys do come running down with AK47's don't forget to start screaming Viva Fidel as they approach.
How did you learn it hurts to draft in another boats wake?
If the customs guys do come running down with AK47's don't forget to start screaming Viva Fidel as they approach.
And dont forget to buy cigars
I'm really not sure how to respond to this, there's soooo many options. I guess I'll be nice and go with:
@Andy S probably figures its going to take both of you to keep an eye on me
I figured you were the only one going on Monday tough enough to put up with @robert843 and I. Whatever way you want to look at it, it will be a good trip.
How did you learn it hurts to draft in another boats wake?

After drafting in @Andy S wake for aprox 75 miles I burned a significant amount of fuel more then I did the day before on the same run. I did also learn my boat can run a fair amount of time when the gauge reads 0% fuel and also the how to turn the darn fuel alarm off after listening to it beep for about 20 minutes before figuring it out lol.
I learned the hard way this weekend that it really doesn't help at all but actually hurts to draft in another boats wake. If the customs guys do come running down with AK47's don't forget to start screaming Viva Fidel as they approach.
All we need now is the bimini shirt order, water shoes and some cheap hats! I prob have everything... I mean almost everything else!
I figured you were the only one going on Monday tough enough to put up with @robert843 and I. Whatever way you want to look at it, it will be a good trip.
It'll be a good trip, for sure. My wife and kids are really looking forward to it. They may be a little reserved at first, but don't let that put you off, they're great once they warm up to you.
I have a feeling there will be less than 5 groups on Monday. Some of these folks haven't been on here in weeks or over a month. Meanwhile the others, me included, check this thread hourly if not more
I have a feeling there will be less than 5 groups on Monday. Some of these folks haven't been on here in weeks or over a month. Meanwhile the others, me included, check this thread hourly if not more

We organized the groups with that in mind and intentionally left group one small figuring one of the groups may disappear and those that make it from that group will just be merged into group one.
How many passengers from previous years have gotten sea sick on the cruise over?
How many passengers from previous years have gotten sea sick on the cruise over?

Lots its going to happen especially if its a little but rough.
We organized the groups with that in mind and intentionally left group one small figuring one of the groups may disappear and those that make it from that group will just be merged into group one.

Do these missings folks have reservations at the sands? You guys are nailing the planning/monitoring.
Do these missings folks have reservations at the sands? You guys are nailing the planning/monitoring.
The map on the first thread has all the latest reservation information that I have from the Sands and what folks have posted.
Do these missings folks have reservations at the sands? You guys are nailing the planning/monitoring.

One of the groups is a list of people registered but only one person in the group so far I believe has said they have reservations
Puking on the swim deck will wash off as you travel. :vomit:

By the way @Andy S I like the sudden switch of profile pics and the switch on boats in sig lol.
We organized the groups with that in mind and intentionally left group one small figuring one of the groups may disappear and those that make it from that group will just be merged into group one.
Damn, just when I was starting to feel special.....
By the way @Andy S I like the sudden switch of profile pics and the switch on boats in sig lol.
Lol just noticed that. I'm not even going to bimini this year and read both threads daily.

@robert843 I'll agree riding behind another boat killed my speed and mileage. I would almost pass mainah when I got out from behind him last weekend and have to throttle down.
“'03 Triton 2690 WA - now the one selling” in his signature line suggests that the Cobalt is going to Bimini.

Not sure it’s been fully decided which is coming to Bimini but def been decided which one is staying with them as their boat