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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Damn, didnt know you had push-screen start on the E-Series, lol. Mainah needs to figure that out for us :)
38 days......between the shirts and the board activity its finally getting real!!!
@robert843, I thought you knew you were the recon crew? It is time for you to find all the cool stuff and report back before I show up.
38 days......between the shirts and the board activity its finally getting real!!!

keeping me calibrated @Valerie !!! we have a conference pow-wow tonight, I believe my 2 kids are dropping out of the trip......there goes my chaparone's !! Your listing of 2 adults..is that on your 1 ski ?
keeping me calibrated @Valerie !!! we have a conference pow-wow tonight, I believe my 2 kids are dropping out of the trip......there goes my chaparone's !! Your listing of 2 adults..is that on your 1 ski ?
Im not that crazy to cross two up, unless the water is glass (fingers crossed for all of us)
Shes gonna be riding with TimH
Why are your kids dropping out?
There is some kind of teacher rally here today. There is NOTHING going on at the school today. I keep checking on this forum every 10 min to see what has been posted!
Im not that crazy to cross two up, unless the water is glass (fingers crossed for all of us)
Shes gonna be riding with TimH
Why are your kids dropping out?

My son is in Texas as a poor college grad and starts a job June 14, taking 10 days off the following week, combined with a trip to Colorado in July may be a tad frowned upon. My Daughter is doing a semester abroad to NZ and would be leaving from FFL the day we get back from Bimini, she's feeling the pressure of all that needs to be done, combined with leaving work 1.5 weeks earlier. plus she/brother are pretty damn close, she'd miss him on the trip.

the bright side: My daughter can watch my dog (Loki the freak) for me now...a BIG hurdle I haven't solved yet.

I was thinking crossing 2-up would be a tad nucking futs......
There is some kind of teacher rally here today. There is NOTHING going on at the school today. I keep checking on this forum every 10 min to see what has been posted!

I'm pickin up what your layin down !!

On a side note; I invested $1000 in beef jerky and beef sticks for the trip
On a side note; I invested $1000 in beef jerky and beef sticks for the trip

BWAHA HA HA AH AHA AH AHA no wonder you're in @Andy S and @robert843 group.. COLLUSION !!!

O hey !! we're neighbors !!!

You don't have to bribe @robert843 And I to ride in our group but it does not bitty.
I've learned over the years that with my personality type, there are times when a few peace offerings may come in handy.
guess Id better get my ass to the gym, squats and pull ups so Im not hating life Monday and Tuesday, huh?
Man those are some good looking groupings. Well Except that Sunday group what a mess that's going to be I'm kind of little sad I won't be there to see that disaster go down! Also a little concerned with group 3 you sure you want to put all those NC guys together I see nothing but trouble coming out of that group I would bet @Bryan Martini leaves them behind in the first 5 miles and and they wind up in Cuba somewhere with @bronze_10 taking the lead. Lastly how did @Sbrown wind up with the A team I mean I guess if he can't keep up there are four groups behind us he can join once he loses sight of us. It should be fun guys I'm stoked :winkingthumbsup"

Hey! What does that mean exactly?!?!
Valerie said I have to start reading everyday and keeping up since it’s getting close! So expect more comments....just a courtesy warning!!!
Hey! What does that mean exactly?!?!

When we arrive Sunday.....maybe we should alert customs of contraband on a Monday morning questionable arrival.......something about fruits and nuts ...;)
When we arrive Sunday.....maybe we should alert customs of contraband on a Monday morning questionable arrival.......something about fruits and nuts ...;)

All the locals will be eating beef jerky for days!