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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

We boat in deep water all the time. To my kids, once its over your head its all the same.

During the crossing I worry more about being over the bow. Although truth to be told we did have a couple of waves over our heads. Now that I think about it, it was hilarious, but at that very moment it was more like

1st second after the bath: someone secure the lifejackets
2nd second after the bath: make sure the engines are running and the bow is up
3rd to 20th second after the bath: constantly checking to fish in the cockpit
21st seconds after the bath: get disappointing that there is no fish in the cockpit and thank God for the water draining 100% while the boat is still moving SE....
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that's just a loooooonnnnnnggggg way to the dark bottom..........
I wish I had never seen the GPS with the track we took the first year. I haven't had the nerve to get off my ski during any of my crossings........not sure I voluntarily could
One thing I can tell you is my kids won't be swimming in it without lifejackets on unless I'm 100% in lifeguard mode.
If they only knew some of the depths we will be crossing.........
I wish I didn't know this information actually......:bawling::bawling::bawling:
I just love the deep blue water in the middle....saw a whale on the last return...simply amazing.
One thing I can tell you is my kids won't be swimming in it without lifejackets on unless I'm 100% in lifeguard mode.
I was the last one with extra fuel on my first trip over and I had to stop to let another guy have my fuel and when the guys came over to get the gas from the back of my ski, I started getting a little sea sick so I just slid off my ski into the water......felt better immediately...I don’t usuall get seasick but it was pretty hot and towards the end of the ride...I always wear a patch which helps too. Been in some rough seas on scuba trips so better to be prepared than feeding the fish.
Headcount update for us FWIW: My kids wont be able to make it. We’ll be 4 adults for my crew. leaving from wilmington friday AM.

Hopefully nail the SVRS thursday afternoon down there.

One thing I can tell you is my kids won't be swimming in it without lifejackets on unless I'm 100% in lifeguard mode.

They will float in the salt water. Little or no swimming is actually needed.
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They will float in the salt water. Little or no swimming is actually needed.

I would disagree with that. I have been in salt water, too far out, and nearly drowned. No way that the salt water kept me afloat. Even with my built-in floatie / swim ring.

Never going in again without a life vest.
@Berrie, were you in Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic?

I do not remember floating as well other places but my whole family including my low body fat wife floats well in the Bimini water and at the mid point in the crossing. I wonder if the stream has a higher salt content?

But I do agree that it is always safer to have flotation.
@Berrie, were you in Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic?

I do not remember floating as well other places but my whole family including my low body fat wife floats well in the Bimini water and at the mid point in the crossing. I wonder if the stream has a higher salt content?

But I do agree that it is always safer to have flotation.

It was in the Gulf. And the higher the salt content, the better we float. I don’t know if the Stream has a higher salt content, it is possible