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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

To replace what I donated last year to the sea gods in bimini (and a lesson in Amazon shopping.... Chain is lighter than I wanted)


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Anyone plan a trip to Great Isaac Island during this Bimini trip?
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I was going to say I'd like to go.... But not if you guys will be enjoying each other while there! Lol
That stupid iPhone correction!
To replace what I donated last year to the sea gods in bimini (and a lesson in Amazon shopping.... Chain is lighter than I wanted)

I really need to pull mine out of the boat and measure it I can’t remember if I have enough anchor line for Bimini.
If its anything like last year....everyone on Monday will be wishing they crossed on Sunday! :)

But that's ok...we'll try not to be too hung over when we come rescue you guys.... :p:winkingthumbsup":muted:
What a coincidence. I was thinking the same that each of us would need to carry a couple of 5 gallon gas tanks and “chaperone” the Monday group safely into Bimini ;)
Sent my drone registration in! Now I have one month to learn how to fly it!!! LOL (Gopro Karma....wonder if I should buy a 2nd battery)
@Julian, what did you have to do to get approval for flying in the Bahamas? I already have my FAA registration for the US and a prior post by @robert843 mentioned emailing a guy in the Bahamas (Edwards?) for approval but I never received a response back from the him.
What a coincidence. I was thinking the same that each of us would need to carry a couple of 5 gallon gas tanks and “chaperone” the Monday group safely into Bimini ;)
I figured some of the Monday crew would have to tow some of the Sunday crew into Bimini.
I figured some of the Monday crew would have to tow some of the Sunday crew into Bimini.
You better have a big boat then. I will mostly be coming in on a 35 footer.
View attachment 74706 I hope this is enough anchor line for bimini..
Most areas you will anchor in is 20' or less. The problem is the ocean floor is mainly limestone which makes it tough to get your anchor to hold and sometimes when it does grab hold it is tough to get it to let go. The only time you might anchor in deeper water is when you want to fish over top of one of the barges just off shore which are in 100' of water.
Packing my pelican case of awesome .....anyone know what this makes?
Hint: Limit yourself to 15 of these!!
