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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

I just got back from 2 weeks in Daytona. Rained for most of the 2 weeks. Boat hit the Halifax twice. :(
I just ordered the Amazon one.. We will see if ot comes as a youth or a child..

Another good one is the Mustang Survival lil legends jacket it is a Type II but a nice robust jacket as well this is the jacket my 1 year old uses in a infant size.


@robert843 this might be a dumb suggestion but do you think a cooper anchor would do the trick. They have several sizes and I can’t remember what I have but I know I bought a size up and while there isn’t much to my ski it’s held great throughout the Bahamas (as long as I have enough line out). What I like is that they do not weigh much at all. I’ve been very pleased.

@robert843 this might be a dumb sugtgestion but do you think a cooper anchor would do the trick. They have several sizes and I can’t remember what I have but I know I bought a size up and while there isn’t much to my ski it’s held great throughout the Bahamas (as long as I have enough line out). What I like is that they do not weigh much at all. I’ve been very pleased.


Not sure but I will look into it.
@robert843 this might be a dumb suggestion but do you think a cooper anchor would do the trick. They have several sizes and I can’t remember what I have but I know I bought a size up and while there isn’t much to my ski it’s held great throughout the Bahamas (as long as I have enough line out). What I like is that they do not weigh much at all. I’ve been very pleased.


It’s a Delta anchor which works very well in a sandy bottom. I use a galvanized 20lbs one for my minivan.

Took the boat out today on quick trip and forgot the cooler. Anchor locker worked great!
Hmm looks like someone had some bad luck at the 2:52 mark of this video. I have not seen this boat before but not sure if it was there last year.

@Andy S man we need us one of these in out lives they just blow through the rough waters like its not even there! This is a 360 video you will see the controller in the top left.

@Andy S man we need us one of these in out lives they just blow through the rough waters like its not even there! This is a 360 video you will see the controller in the top left.

I think you guys should get one! Hopefully you have a million $ laying around you don't need! LOL