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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

At about the 30 day Mark is when I start to get crazy with the weather and buoy forecast, as if I can do something to change it
I am hopeful this year will be the smoothest crossing since it will be my earliest one..... gotta think positive, right?!?
I have, however, resumed packing. It’s a very strategic task when your a female packing a Yamaha waverunner for almost a week in the Bahamas ya know!:p

Plenty of boats you can throw a bag on (assuming it is a reasonable size!)
So what is the plan for car and trailer parking? Is the plan still to park at Harbor Town, or are we going to the airport remote parking? (my boss just offered for me to park in front of his summer house that is about 2 miles north near the turning basin....but not sure I want to go that far)
So what is the plan for car and trailer parking? Is the plan still to park at Harbor Town, or are we going to the airport remote parking? (my boss just offered for me to park in front of his summer house that is about 2 miles north near the turning basin....but not sure I want to go that far)

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So what is the plan for car and trailer parking? Is the plan still to park at Harbor Town, or are we going to the airport remote parking? (my boss just offered for me to park in front of his summer house that is about 2 miles north near the turning basin....but not sure I want to go that far)

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Hey guys I thought Bruce said this info was suppose to be PM's only so not to broadcast it to general internet searches???
@Julian, and @justason would you mind removing the parking lot info from your posts?

It was a lot of work to find the parking lot and I would prefer that others not fill our secret spot.
We're out for this years trip :( forsure next year
Thats a shame: I’d consider it but my yankee accent gets enough grief inNC. I’d be pointed at in bimini

Those pictures are incredibly old!
Those pictures are incredibly old!

I’m sure when I was there two years ago the place looked like a run down dump I would imagine by now it’s really bad.
I think I read correctly somewhere earlier in this thread that we have to pay in full at bimini sands 14 days out and not 30 correct?
I think I read correctly somewhere earlier in this thread that we have to pay in full at bimini sands 14 days out and not 30 correct?
14 correct
For anyone looking for an action camera GOPRO has the Hero 5 Black on sale on their site for $249 with an extra battery, memory card and a gift carry bag.
For anyone looking for an action camera GOPRO has the Hero 5 Black on sale on their site for $249 with an extra battery, memory card and a gift carry bag.

You can also use the promo code BOT20 for an additional 20% off. We just ordered one (this forum costs me a lot of $$) for $221 shipped.
You can also use the promo code BOT20 for an additional 20% off. We just ordered one (this forum costs me a lot of $$) for $221 shipped.

Darn you @BBottoms I wasn't going to buy one but with your discount code $199 plus tax I couldn't pass it up. I had planned to buy another Session but guess the 5 black will do.