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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

I think you guys should get one! Hopefully you have a million $ laying around you don't need! LOL

@Andy S just sold his house so we have a head start. I think I will go start a go fund me page or kick starter for the rest
@Andy S man we need us one of these in out lives they just blow through the rough waters like its not even there! This is a 360 video you will see the controller in the top left.

I agree, very nice boat but it will have to wait a little bit longer because i didn't win the lottery this weekend.
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It’s a Delta anchor which works very well in a sandy bottom. I use a galvanized 20lbs one for my minivan.
Hi @Berrie Any recommendations for a rear anchor for my minivan ?
Hi @Berrie Any recommendations for a rear anchor for my minivan ?

@Amar Nanduri I will admit I absolutely SUCK at anchoring. I hate it, it never works for me, and I have no clue what I’m doing.

Having said that, i had a 13lbs claw anchor on the bow and a 13lbs Danforth on the stern. They didn’t hold very well in sand (probably undersized) so I bought the 22lbs plow anchor for the bow, and put the claw in the stern compartment. I only used them once like that in moderate wind and they held the boat in place.

If you are generally in sandy bottoms, I’d go with a 22lbs plow ($75 on eBay with free shipping).
@Amar Nanduri I will admit I absolutely SUCK at anchoring. I hate it, it never works for me, and I have no clue what I’m doing.

Having said that, i had a 13lbs claw anchor on the bow and a 13lbs Danforth on the stern. They didn’t hold very well in sand (probably undersized) so I bought the 22lbs plow anchor for the bow, and put the claw in the stern compartment. I only used them once like that in moderate wind and they held the boat in place.

If you are generally in sandy bottoms, I’d go with a 22lbs plow ($75 on eBay with free shipping).
Thanks @Berrie Time for me to go shopping.
@Berrie, @Amar Nanduri, a danforth is a terrible stern anchor. It has to be pulled into the bottom to be able to hold and does not reset quickly.

Other than beaching a stern anchor is a bad idea anyway. Ideally your boats would turn into the current or wind whichever is stronger and boats would be spaced to allow for this.

I would think that those 13 pound anchors would be too small for your boats.

I would recommend getting an appropriately sized Fortress or Mantus anchor for the stern.

You will want to have 5 or more times as much anchor rode as the depth you plan to anchor in along with a sufficient amount of chain for the anchor you choose.
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Hopefully everyone is getting their boats it tip top boating condition?

Everything needs to be ready and operational....
  • clean out plugs need to be EASILY removable and replaceable
  • Horn operational
  • Boat not cavitating at all (cavitation will cause you to burn more fuel)
  • hatches all closing properly
  • Tighten all fittings
View attachment 74847 Looks Memorial day weekend is not going to be so nice.

Man that forecast looks awesome!!! I really hope we can get lucky enough to get a forecast like that on the 24th. It would be nice to have something to challenge us and our machines and make us really earn this trip versus it just being a cake walk crossing.
At about the 30 day Mark is when I start to get crazy with the weather and buoy forecast, as if I can do something to change it
I am hopeful this year will be the smoothest crossing since it will be my earliest one..... gotta think positive, right?!?
I have, however, resumed packing. It’s a very strategic task when your a female packing a Yamaha waverunner for almost a week in the Bahamas ya know!:p
2013 I went late july---rough.....2014, late june---flawless. extrapolating 100% data use::: points to a great crossing !!

it appears MAckeys sand bar on the south-south end is closed ?? is it called something else now ? I found out yesterday out condo comes with a golf cart.....O the horror !!! I so hope it floats !!!