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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

It was in the Gulf. And the higher the salt content, the better we float. I don’t know if the Stream has a higher salt content, it is possible

I find that I float much more in Bimini that I did in the Gulf.
I find that I float much more in Bimini that I did in the Gulf.

well da-ham...your observation has merit http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...as-world-transform-understanding-weather.html

They will float in the salt water. Little or no swimming is actually needed.
That would be cool and I would definitely want them to experience it, I'll just keep a close eye on them.
I'm looking at having a gathering on Tuesday or Wednesday at Honeymoon Harbor (where the stingrays hangout). This time instead of pot luck I'm thinking of everyone just bring food for their crew. However, if someone whats to bring stuff to share with others they are more than welcome to do so.
Count us in. we are celebrating our wedding anniversary on Tuesday 6/27. I'll tell her we did it all for her! (points)
So @Andy S and I were talking this weekend and we are getting close enough we figured we should start working on putting crossing groups together. Wanted to try and get a little info first to make sure we get this all correct. First I don't see @Cjtita @STEVE garman @Gofish206 @Douglas Lackey and @DiverB (I know you are still working out details Diver B) having a unit updated and booked on the first page I'm sure some of you do and it just never got updated but just wanted to verify you were going before assigning you guys to groups. Right now I have @justason @tim h @jayasaki138 @Julian and @Amar Nanduri all planing for a Sunday crossing as a group and I have everyone else listed as a Monday crossing pending weather if this isn't correct just let me know thanks! Also who planing on the Monday crossing has a fixed mounted VHF and antenna as we are hoping to try and put at least one boat with this in each crossing group? Also any requests to be partnered up with another boat let @Andy S or I know @ThatJeepGuy I think we got yours.
I see I'm in Group 4 (Steve Garman)
um, whats going on here? No alerts this morning.........where is everybody..........whats everyone doing???:peeking:
um, whats going on here? No alerts this morning.........where is everybody..........whats everyone doing???:peeking:
Sorry...I'm in shock currently..
know that person thats always worse off than you....well, that ends with me this morning !!! here's my before 830 AM spend today :

Added Friday night FLA hotel : $111
bought airfare to NZ : $1750
Paid FAA test certification $2200
freakin Amazon $96 (pfft....crumbs)
dog's getting spayed next week....$???
tonights vodka: $!!!!

all i need now is a pay toilet to round it all off
Much respect for a responsible pet owner!!!:happy:

Hopefully all of this spending will be the end of it
smooth sailing from here on out!

...the end of it.......your hilarious !!!

Last year we did a trip to Domican republic, left the dog with my Daughter as her cycle started...she was thrilled !!! she has dog duty again this trip(now)....we mathed it out and she's due to cycle again end of June !! I can't do that to her again !!!
Sorry...I'm in shock currently..
know that person thats always worse off than you....well, that ends with me this morning !!! here's my before 830 AM spend today :

Added Friday night FLA hotel : $111
bought airfare to NZ : $1750
Paid FAA test certification $2200
freakin Amazon $96 (pfft....crumbs)
dog's getting spayed next week....$???
tonights vodka: $!!!!

all i need now is a pay toilet to round it all off

Hey Dad, I would like to become a pilot too. Can you help me out?
@Andy S my crew is planning to depart on Sunday, if a group makes the crossing. Thank you for putting together the chalks, its going to make arrival at Ft. Lauderdale a lot less confusing.
@Andy S my crew is planning to depart on Sunday, if a group makes the crossing. Thank you for putting together the chalks, its going to make arrival at Ft. Lauderdale a lot less confusing.
Welcome to the fun group! :-)
Packed and ready!!!!! I’ll cover everyones six!!