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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

All it means is you get to wake up early on Monday, set by the blue waters of Bimini, and watch them track across the next day ;) #refreshingdelormepage
If its anything like last year....everyone on Monday will be wishing they crossed on Sunday! :-)

But that's ok...we'll try not to be too hung over when we come rescue you guys.... :p:winkingthumbsup":muted:
When we arrive Sunday.....maybe we should alert customs of contraband on a Monday morning questionable arrival.......something about fruits and nuts ...;)

See this more what I meant though that all the fruits and nuts were traveling in the Sunday crossing group! I mean come on it doesn't get any fruitier then @tim h and @Drift Away bringing their own cabana boy @Eric Ballard and @Valerie @Girlfriend and @Ramblin Wreck keep taking their skis across so we all know their nuts.
See this more what I meant though that all the fruits and nuts were traveling in the Sunday crossing group! I mean come on it doesn't get any fruitier then @tim h and @Drift Away bringing their own cabana boy @Eric Ballard and @Valerie @Girlfriend and @Ramblin Wreck keep taking their skis across so we all know their nuts.
The best part is gonna be Diana in the middle of that fruity bunch ;)
I thought I had broken her into the “water world “ with my local friends
She’s in for a real treat
*insert sinister laugh here*
I’m pretty sure you may have crossed a time or two by ski yourself Mr.....:p
ok....momentary reset in reality......has anyone been amassing the MMSI numbers ? and anything on the whalers fishing conglomeration ever solidify ? (I dont have facebook which i think is their tool) ?
I've been working on collecting the mmsi numbers, after this weekend I will post what I have but they will only be for the use of the Monday crossing group. If I feel generous I might share with the Sunday crossers.
My kids want to tube the whole crossing
My kids want to tube the whole crossing

After about 5 minutes they would be begging for you to let them back in the boat. In 5 minutes they would be so exhausted from trying to hang on it would be nuts.
My kids want to tube the whole crossing
If we get lucky like I did in 2011, my first crossing to Bimini, and have conditions like this your kids can tube/troll.

Leaving Port Everglades
Bimini 2011 030.jpg

A few miles out from Bimini
Bimini 2011 050.jpg
If we get lucky like I did in 2011, my first crossing to Bimini, and have conditions like this your kids can tube/troll.

Leaving Port Everglades
View attachment 74522

A few miles out from Bimini
View attachment 74521
Looks really nice. You got lucky on that run. I'm not really even planning on bringing a tube with us. There should be plenty of other things to do that they cant ordinarily do in their home waters.
If they only knew some of the depths we will be crossing.........
I wish I didn't know this information actually......:bawling::bawling::bawling:
If they only knew some of the depths we will be crossing.........
I wish I didn't know this information actually......:bawling::bawling::bawling:
We boat in deep water all the time. To my kids, once its over your head its all the same.
We boat in deep water all the time. To my kids, once its over your head its all the same.

not sure....when we do the swim at the 1/2 way point...and you look down into a clear, beautiful blue 2300 ft deep abyss.....it's kinda hairy what may be between you/bottom......maybe its me....

3 minute mark
not sure....when we do the swim at the 1/2 way point...and you look down into a clear, beautiful blue 2300 ft deep abyss.....it's kinda hairy what may be between you/bottom......maybe its me....

3 minute mark
that's just a loooooonnnnnnggggg way to the dark bottom..........
I wish I had never seen the GPS with the track we took the first year. I haven't had the nerve to get off my ski during any of my crossings........not sure I voluntarily could
not sure....when we do the swim at the 1/2 way point...and you look down into a clear, beautiful blue 2300 ft deep abyss.....it's kinda hairy what may be between you/bottom......maybe its me....

3 minute mark
Looks like you had a great trip and the water looks beautiful.
If they only knew some of the depths we will be crossing.........
I wish I didn't know this information actually......:bawling::bawling::bawling:

I just put duck tape over the depth gauge. It works everytime.