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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

After drafting in @Andy S wake for aprox 75 miles I burned a significant amount of fuel more then I did the day before on the same run. I did also learn my boat can run a fair amount of time when the gauge reads 0% fuel and also the how to turn the darn fuel alarm off after listening to it beep for about 20 minutes before figuring it out lol.

I agree on the drafting - this is very different than what happens in - say - cycling! hehe.

Please tell me the secret of turning the alarm off!!! Hate it when that thing goes off and stays on.

I also noticed that when low/very low on gas - getting off plane activates the alarm...

On the ski, I simply press any of the 4 electronic buttons to silence it. I probably should've told my wife this before the run back, hers was going off from the Crab House all the way to the ramp.
I agree on the drafting - this is very different than what happens in - say - cycling! hehe.

Please tell me the secret of turning the alarm off!!! Hate it when that thing goes off and stays on.

I also noticed that when low/very low on gas - getting off plane activates the alarm...


I was so frustrated that I couldn't figure out how to turn it off as you know the stupid thing just keeps screaming at you. When on the main home screen and it starts going off you will see a little speaker button pop up you press it. Its really tough to notice though it blended in well with the fuel alarm message and I was hitting every damn thing I could to try and turn that stupid thing off. I still have not put gas in so before I do I will try and take a pic of where its at.
I was so frustrated that I couldn't figure out how to turn it off as you know the stupid thing just keeps screaming at you. When on the main home screen and it starts going off you will see a little speaker button pop up you press it. Its really tough to notice though it blended in well with the fuel alarm message and I was hitting every damn thing I could to try and turn that stupid thing off. I still have not put gas in so before I do I will try and take a pic of where its at.
I'll be darned! I have seen the liddle' speaker icon! But, never would have guessed to press on the damn thing.
Thank you.

On the ski, I simply press any of the 4 electronic buttons to silence it. I probably should've told my wife this before the run back, hers was going off from the Crab House all the way to the ramp.
Doesn't seem to work in the Connext with any of the buttons (except - what Robert said about the little speaker!).
Drives me nuts - as I know based on "fuel used" reading AND when I re-fuel at the pump that I can have as much as 5 gal left in the tank, need to silence the scream...

On the ski (18.5 gallon capacity) after beeping for 10 miles (1/2 no wake, 1/2 @ 40mph - close to optimal cruise), it held 15.2 gallons.
On the ski (18.5 gallon capacity) after beeping for 10 miles (1/2 no wake, 1/2 @ 40mph - close to optimal cruise), it held 15.2 gallons.
Gosh, I feel for her!
The icon warning is fine, but the beeping scream is not helpful IMO. Especially if you have guests...

When we get to bimini sands it is normal for the customs guys to come running up with ak47s and speak angry Spanish right? I am pretty sure I just hand them my passport!

if you see AK47 as you approaching land, plug 20.0117° N, 75.1216° W real quick and go WOT.
Sigh... Another three Amazon packages on the porch and another 100 bucks of stuff ordered tonight... Geeess. I'm gonna have to draft @vanmurray during the crossing to save fuel!

I found your new boat for the crossing Mike. Should fit all of your Amazon packages nicely.

By the way @Andy S I like the sudden switch of profile pics and the switch on boats in sig lol.
I wondered who was going to be the first person to say something.
@Andy S so are you taking the Cobalt?
According the boss (aka Cindy the wife) Yes.
“'03 Triton 2690 WA - now the one selling” in his signature line suggests that the Cobalt is going to Bimini.
@robert843 and I talked in Hilton Head and thought about once I fix the Triton and get confidence in her, assuming I can before Bimini, that I should take the Triton to keep some usage off the Cobalt. I think that is a good idea but the wife isn't having any of that.
Not sure it’s been fully decided which is coming to Bimini but def been decided which one is staying with them as their boat
I'm not fully decided but the wife sure is and I know who will win this battle.
I have updated the map on the first post of this thread with all the information I have at this time. Please let me know if I need to correct or update anything.

Right now I do not have condo information for @STEVE garman , @Douglas Lackey , @DiverB , @Christie Moore (part of @ThatJeepGuy group) , as soon as you have made your reservation could you please let me know where you are staying in Bimini.
I may have missed this but are we planning a group meal pool side during this week?
I'm looking at having a gathering on Tuesday or Wednesday at Honeymoon Harbor (where the stingrays hangout). This time instead of pot luck I'm thinking of everyone just bring food for their crew. However, if someone whats to bring stuff to share with others they are more than welcome to do so.
@Ramblin Wreck so looking at the shirts order set up I didn’t see the cool kids designation anywhere for the June Trip what’s up with that I though our shirts were going to identify the cool kids trip versus the July guys :cool:
@Ramblin Wreck so looking at the shirts order set up I didn’t see the cool kids designation anywhere for the June Trip what’s up with that I though our shirts were going to identify the cool kids trip versus the July guys :cool:

Haha...I ruined it for the June campers. What's interesting is 17 of 27 boats, if I counted correctly, in the July trip will be making their 1st crossing. It's amazing how quickly this crossing has grown. Awesome to see and kudos to @Andy S and @Bruce. Are y'all certified Bahamian travel agents yet?