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2019 Release coming soon!

What is holding this backrest up?

I think it is something like this
I don't see anything on the steering nozzle/bucket that would help steering at all. Even if it is flared out, equal discharge on each side will cancel any benefit.

Hard to believe the engineers refuse to put existing Yamaha steering parts on the boats.

RiDE would be very easily adapted to the boats. Can you imagine a second throttle on the steering wheel for reverse control? Makes no sense to ignore this issue. I've never been in a twin engine yamaha, but the singles are useless in reverse. My 98' Sea Doo Challenger was better. Come on Yamaha!
C4BDA120-34F8-4292-A93D-221C412965D0.png 861CBACD-A491-4127-B35A-A005796040E5.png BC685EC9-575F-4C45-846A-77F306E5A77A.png Here is the difference
It will retro backwards
No cost at this time
@CYCLEsPRINGS do you know if the wear liner is replaceable?

Looks like the blue composite is going to be some type of synthetic or plastic. Seems likely that you would be able to replace it if needed.

This should do a good job of addressing the corrosion of dissimilar metals issue that has sometimes caused liners to swell and collide with impellers.
Yes the wear ring is replaceable
100% should stop swelling of pump liners
Those are some nice improvements.
@CYCLEsPRINGS any details on any big changes? Where's the 19's? Any surf enhancements other than surf pointe? Thanks for posting the info!!
Bow roller still hard plastic or did they switch to a Stoltz or similar?
When you say retro backwards your saying this part will fit on my 2017 AR240?

There have been few changes to the pump housings, nozzle and reverse bucket. I am guessing that I could buy these parts and install them on my 2007. However the current parts are expensive at around $850 per side and I do not expect the new ones to be much less. This makes Will's solution seem like quite a deal.
New Marine Mat pattern looks nice. Yamaha really screwed the pooch on keeping things under wrap this year.
All boats are early release Boat.
Dealers have been out of inventory for months.
All boat shown are being deliveried to dealers right now.
CycleSprings has them in stock
I cant imagine that Yamaha's new reverse is any better than JBP lateral thruster enhancement. Without a waverunner style reverse door or brp style bucket it wont be really effective.
The only problem with those is reverse steering control is opposite from stock Yamaha
I think it is something like this

Man I just feel like this is one of those sensored photos but instead of it being blacked out there is just a darn seat in the way.
Ditto. I see no straps...anywhere.