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  • 20180814_194510.jpg
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Too bad it's not sold stateside.. but it's out there


  • 20180814_194412.jpg
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But is it really less seating in the rear? You mean the middle of where the rear bench is? I have never had anyone sit there because the stopover "hump" is so low it doesn't offer a lot of back support. Not sure if the new rear seat has a filler cushion but I believe all the other larger boats came with one or maybe I'm wrong on that lol. Either way I don't really see a lot of people sitting in the middle rear of the cockpit, especially now that the observers area is nicer with it being padded and appears more roomy so more likely to have someone want to sit there now. Hopefully more room away from the windshield over there.

Looks likes less room right behind the helm where they now give you a table.
Also, disappointing to see no FSH 240. Was really hoping to have an FSH 240 with twin 1.8s here in Cali.
Re: @Chadt4 ... From the Japanese website? If so, that is not for the North American market.
Honestly after looking I think the AR240 green is one of the best color schemes. If I buy another Yamaha it will be a 24’
Wow im disappointed. Yamaha seems to be losing their way from what made them where they are. The graphics are extremely conservative and bland unless you want to get the top of the line wake edition for big bucks. The only thing they have took a chance on is the colored towers which to me look terrible for the most part. Im starting to realize if I get a Yamaha it will be a used one or I will get a prop boat. The other manufacturers give you way more choice in colors and graphics. With the Yamaha its boring or boringer. Also the prices are getting to high into Cobalt level brands that offer way more to the consumer. Im bummed. They need to get grandpa out of the design department.
From the Japanese website? If so, that is not for the North American market.
I just searched for bigger yamaha boats. This one kept coming up but correct not in America. But a bigger model is out there
Looks likes less room right behind the helm where they now give you a table.

Who really needs a table on a 19' boat?? I use my swim platform or a towel on the bench seat lol. Yea they could do without a table but I'm sure someone will like it.
I just searched for bigger yamaha boats. This one kept coming up but correct not in America. But a bigger model is out there

Yes that is their Japanese models with the hideaway outboards. Not the same boats at all and practically a mini yacht cruiser lol. Well over 100k :D
Heck on our 2017 ar240 we rarely use the table.
Yes that is their Japanese models with the hideaway outboards. Not the same boats at all and practically a mini yacht cruiser lol. Well over 100k :D
Well dang... figured by the looks.
I came across what I think was labeled a yacht cruiser... like a deck boat but had a cuddy cabin... wide at 9.5-10.5ft and 30-33ft long but damn it was sweet.... not 350k sweet but nice concept lol
I just searched for bigger yamaha boats. This one kept coming up but correct not in America. But a bigger model is out there

There is a long history of Yamaha cabin cruisers outside of the US. Most are for the home market in Japan. You could import one but the cost of getting it here would be quite high.

It is generally accepted that Yamaha sourced parts for a cabin cruiser in the US a few years ago but it has not been launched.
Also, disappointing to see no FSH 240. Was really hoping to have an FSH 240 with twin 1.8s here in Cali.
I was hoping for the same, but I will take the 210 in Black with better fuel economy. We can always trade up in the future.
Nobody will use that stupid table, but for a salesperson it's a great tool.
Wow im disappointed. Yamaha seems to be losing their way from what made them where they are. The graphics are extremely conservative and bland unless you want to get the top of the line wake edition for big bucks. The only thing they have took a chance on is the colored towers which to me look terrible for the most part. Im starting to realize if I get a Yamaha it will be a used one or I will get a prop boat. The other manufacturers give you way more choice in colors and graphics. With the Yamaha its boring or boringer. Also the prices are getting to high into Cobalt level brands that offer way more to the consumer. Im bummed. They need to get grandpa out of the design department.

The Cobalt cs23 does look nice for under $60k.
Frankly underwhelmed by 240 colors. Was ready to buy ASAP ... but at the prices to get what I want I have to look at chapperal and scarab more closely to feel I’ve done due diligence .... kind of bummed to start my research all over but whoever picked the designs of the 242 l e .... dropped the ball frankly. Oh well... sure they will sell them anyway but
I was hoping for the same, but I will take the 210 in Black with better fuel economy. We can always trade up in the future.

True, but not FSH’s with TR-1’s in Cali as I suspect Yamaha didn’t feel the need to CARB approve the TR-1’s. That’s why I was hoping for a FSH 240 with 1.8’s. I suppose I could always go out of state and register the 210 in Arizona and the trailer here in Cali, but what a pain. Still a bummer.
Biggest news this year is with th 19ft boats. The 19ft boats have a new hull and deck. They are 3 inches longer and 2 inches wider. Also, the articulating keel is a little thinner in these new boats.
The new AR195 is too dark for me.