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2019 Release coming soon!

I do want to take a blast around the block in the new 19' just to compare how the new hull supposedly handles chop better. Will have to tell the salesman to sit down, shut up and hold on!
Here's the video from greenhulk

Whoa, hold up. Did anyone notice this? Or is this a type-o?AR210.jpg
Just noticed the 19's now come with hinged seats. Lucky bastards lol. Also noticed it says bow filler cushions so now you get two and one acts like the backrest/windblocker.

Whoa, hold up. Did anyone notice this? Or is this a type-o?View attachment 81475

It's a typo. Everywhere else including the tech specs show it using the TR1's. No way Yamaha would abandon the TR1's after just a year.

IMG_9955.PNG IMG_9956.PNG
Same as my 2018...no change

Actually this is a change for the 19 foot boats. Also looks like the 24 foot boats have new styles on the flooring.

But I'm still trying to figure out where the 3k price increase comes from on the 242X
  1. Normal $500 a year increase
  2. $250 for new cut of the flooring?
  3. Wake boosters $1000
  4. GPS Maps $500
Guess I can get close....
Actually this is a change for the 19 foot boats. Also looks like the 24 foot boats have new styles on the flooring.

But I'm still trying to figure out where the 3k price increase comes from on the 242X
  1. Normal $500 a year increase
  2. $250 for new cut of the flooring?
  3. Wake boosters $1000
  4. GPS Maps $500
Guess I can get close....
The 210s went up about $2000.00
Whoa... no I didn’t. If that’s not a typo, then us folks in Cali may have a nice option in a 21’ boat now. Hmm.

Its definitely a typo. If you click engine specs tab it says twin tr1. Besides they wouldn't sell the 212 limited for 8k more. The 212 limited is the first 21 that gets 1.8s

That would be a steal at 44k with 1.8s
I think the AR195 went up around 1k-1.5k as well. Can't recall exact price last year.
Some pretty sweet upgrades for the 190/5's. The video on the 195 page on Yamaha's site showed all the nice changes. I'm jealous of anyone who gets the new stuff. I did however pay 8k less for an AR192 four years ago....
I think the 242x now comes with a surf board and rope (not sure if previous ones did). I also noticed the premium boats come with Wet Sounds instead of the Polk speakers.
Some pretty sweet upgrades for the 190/5's. The video on the 195 page on Yamaha's site showed all the nice changes. I'm jealous of anyone who gets the new stuff. I did however pay 8k less for an AR192 four years ago....

I didn't realize there was a video on there showcasing the new boat! Just checked it out and I am going back on what I said earlier. Appears they did not do a step over walk way and still have the cushion!! Why Yamaha? You revise the hump over the engine to make it easier but not do a filler cushion on the rear bench? Tisk tisk should I have done it this year. I also now see what y'all said about losing the 1 seat and I do not like what they did. My daughter likes to sit in the rear corner and stretch her legs out but on the new layout you would have to sit sideways. Don't like that.

Also is that a subwoofer under the kids leg?

I didn't realize there was a video on there showcasing the new boat! Just checked it out and I am going back on what I said earlier. Appears they did not do a step over walk way and still have the cushion!! Why Yamaha? You revise the hump over the engine to make it easier but not do a filler cushion on the rear bench? Tisk tisk should I have done it this year. I also now see what y'all said about losing the 1 seat and I do not like what they did. My daughter likes to sit in the rear corner and stretch her legs out but on the new layout you would have to sit sideways. Don't like that.

Also is that a subwoofer under the kids leg?

View attachment 81479

Plus you lose the storage from removing that seat for a dumb table. And it's ugly now. But the hinged seats are sick, I don't like the new touchscreen since it's not a surf boat seems stupid. I also love the 40 gallon tank but don't like the new swim platform. There's also now only one port to get to the bilge not two which is prob better less to leak. Wonder if they fixed the tower bolts
Does anyone know what the wakebooster attachment is for the 212X?
But you gained storage in front of the helm
Does anyone know what the wakebooster attachment is for the 212X?

Basically a curved dish thing that diverts water from the side to help push some of the jet boats wash to the side. See this post. Similar to what Scarab did last year.
Is there a door now to get under the helm? That would be cool. Honestly though I'll prob never use all the storage in my boat. There's so much lol.