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275 Service Manual - Outdated!


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After I purchased my 2024 Yamaha 275SD, I decided to purchase the service manual from Yamahapubs.com. A few weeks later, the printed service manual showed up, and I was surprised to discover the manual lacked any information about the Drive or DriveX system found on the SD model I have. In fact, it appears the manual has not been updated since it was first published in 2019. So, I contacted the customer service line using the number provided in the manual. They looked into it and told me: "Upon checking with Yamaha, any information regarding the Drive and Drive X system can be found in the owner's manual. The service manual we have sent you is correct. We can process a refund if you wish (which requires me to ship back the manual at my expense). Please contact Yamaha customer relations for further assistance ( which I will do)."

Has anyone else had issues with the service manual being well out of date?

The manual number is LIT-18616-03-95.
After I purchased my 2024 Yamaha 275SD, I decided to purchase the service manual from Yamahapubs.com. A few weeks later, the printed service manual showed up, and I was surprised to discover the manual lacked any information about the Drive or DriveX system found on the SD model I have. In fact, it appears the manual has not been updated since it was first published in 2019. So, I contacted the customer service line using the number provided in the manual. They looked into it and told me: "Upon checking with Yamaha, any information regarding the Drive and Drive X system can be found in the owner's manual. The service manual we have sent you is correct. We can process a refund if you wish (which requires me to ship back the manual at my expense). Please contact Yamaha customer relations for further assistance ( which I will do)."

Has anyone else had issues with the service manual being well out of date?

The manual number is LIT-18616-03-95.
That’s ridiculous! I’ll be ordering the 252SD manual and expect everything in the owner’s manual to be included in the service manual. It’s only seems logical.
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Update. I contacted Yamaha directly and they said this is the latest manual and that they’re not planning to do anything. Can’t believe they’re selling a service manual that’s three years out of date, and have no plans to update it.
I’m curious what information is missing from the owners / service manual that you’d need? I don’t have any experience with that DriveX system..
I’m curious what information is missing from the owners / service manual that you’d need? I don’t have any experience with that DriveX system..
There are a few things missing or outdated in this the current version of the service manual (it is in the Owners Manual). First the wiring diagrams are out of date, there are still showing a separate radio is installed, which it is not, the Drive X wiring, which is rather extensive, is missing too. As for Drive X, this is a major upgrade, which changes the way the steering works at low speed. There is a completely different backup gates, a new steering wheel with integrated controls to crab the boat, do a dock hold, and do an 360, and there is no articulating keel with Drive X. There is nothing in the manual providing maintenance information on all the new components associated with Drive X. See this video for a nice overview
There are a few things missing or outdated in this the current version of the service manual (it is in the Owners Manual). First the wiring diagrams are out of date, there are still showing a separate radio is installed, which it is not, the Drive X wiring, which is rather extensive, is missing too. As for Drive X, this is a major upgrade, which changes the way the steering works at low speed. There is a completely different backup gates, a new steering wheel with integrated controls to crab the boat, do a dock hold, and do an 360, and there is no articulating keel with Drive X. There is nothing in the manual providing maintenance information on all the new components associated with Drive X. See this video for a nice overview
I wonder how the Mechanics get their info?
I wonder how the Mechanics get their info?
Perhaps they use the service manuals that have been updated. I previously had a 255XD that also had Drive X as well and that service manual was published in 2024, whereas the service manual for the 275SD was last published in 2020. This is ridiculous since the 275SD receive the Drive X feature in 2023, and you would think a new Service manual would’ve been published to go with it. The 255XD service manual had all of the information related to Drive X in it, so Yamaha has this information ready to go. I was planning to sell that service manual but now I think I’ll keep it, since I no longer have that boat. While it helps with the mechanics, the wiring diagrams are not accurate as the 255XD and the 275SD have subtle differences in how they are wired, the big one being that the 275 does not have a ballast system, after all, it’s not a wake boat.
I wonder how the Mechanics get their info?
I'd be surprised if shops actually use these manuals. They aren't completely useless (the engine and drive sections are decent), but have the feel of something made for customers.

For the OP, I have the service manual for my 2024 255XD (which has the same DriveX components that your boat has). It includes all of the DriveX related controls and circuitry. Very much non-user friendly, but it has every button and switch for the helm and wheel. The wiring diagrams require a microscope to read, but it seems correct. Hopefully Yamaha will have that content updated soon in the manual because it clearly exists in whatever the shops use.
I'd be surprised if shops actually use these manuals. They aren't completely useless (the engine and drive sections are decent), but have the feel of something made for customers.

For the OP, I have the service manual for my 2024 255XD (which has the same DriveX components that your boat has). It includes all of the DriveX related controls and circuitry. Very much non-user friendly, but it has every button and switch for the helm and wheel. The wiring diagrams require a microscope to read, but it seems correct. Hopefully Yamaha will have that content updated soon in the manual because it clearly exists in whatever the shops use.
I agree these manuals are not great. They don’t even provide part numbers. But the diagrams are helpful and there are sections as you point out that are better than others.