Well...............not good, compression showed the #4 cylinder at 0 psi.
Assuming that I probably have some valves sticking I tried putting a bit of anti-corrosion & lube into the cylinder, kicking the motor over (with lanyard disconnected) and letting it sit for a while. No luck.
I called a shop that I used for carb parts on my old SeaDoo boat and could tell then that he knows his stuff. He's been around for 27 years and seems to have positive reviews. But when I called him he said that he doesn't do Yamaha boats because they take up so much space. However, he will do the job if I bring the motor to him. This is what I intended to do anyway since my boat is parked in a fashion that it would take me over an hour to extricate from the side of the house, don't want to empty all of our stuff and couldn't imagine trusting that the boat wouldn't get neglected/stolen sitting in a parking lot somewhere.
Looks like it should be easy to get the engine out. So far I've disconnected most of the wiring, air intake & exhaust. Just a few more hoses & wires and I should have it out. I'm not in a big rush anyway. The mechanic said it would probably take him 3-4 weeks to order the parts and do the work. I won't really need the boat until June/July anyway.
The good news was that he figured that it would only cost about $500 if it needed a complete valve job. Hopefully I heard that correctly. I'd feel pretty good if I can get away only paying $500.
Sorry to hi-jack your thread
@ToddW850, but my issue seems identical to yours and I didn't see a need to duplicate a thread. I do plan on posting a detailed "how to remove engine" thread after I'm all done.
Wish me luck, here we go.