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Bimini 2019 July 7th (Bahia Mar) depart July 8th for Bimini return July 13th

Kind of.....
we are going to Orlando on with the kids and we are seriously considering to bring our ski at the keys for a day or 2. This is more for research purposes. We want to evaluate if the keys are just as good as Bimini, so we can decide for 2020 if we are going to cross or if we will stay in Florida.
I live in the keys, what’s the plan for that trip and where will you ride to
@leonard delia I have info on marvin key can you send me info on other 2. Coordinates are fine or a route to enter if they are tricky to get into... someone grew a snake map for marvin key since can get shallow going straight in.
@leonard delia I have info on marvin key can you send me info on other 2. Coordinates are fine or a route to enter if they are tricky to get into... someone grew a snake map for marvin key since can get shallow going straight in.
They are very difficult and you need to know the area exceptionally well, I live here and go every weekend, if you let me know the dates i can lead the group in to marvin, and the other 2 locations. there are many sand bars and anyone who wants to go should be accompanied by a person that knows the area well
@leonard delia he is coming few days after we leave. We are actually launching at black point marina in homestead they have locked lot for my boat/trailer and will be using boat 100% to get around for week.
Just trying to help out, but do you k ow the south Florida area fairly well. I lived in that area many years ago. That location is way out of the way
Yes. We are staying in north key largo for first part of week. We are then moving towards marathon for later part of week. We have plotted tons of stuff and right now have about 500 miles worth of trips planned.
I just called the Bahama Tourism office and they're mailing me the immigration and customs cards. 800-32-SPORT.
I just called the Bahama Tourism office and they're mailing me the immigration and customs cards. 800-32-SPORT.

Wow! I’ve been calling them for two days about the Bahamas Boat Fling in June and I still had have not gotten in touch with anyone or gotten a call back.
I dialed 954-236-9292, and was re-directed to another office - they gave me the 800 number. Maybe try the 954 number.

Wow! I’ve been calling them for two days about the Bahamas Boat Fling in June and I still had have not gotten in touch with anyone or gotten a call back.
I dialed 954-236-9292, and was re-directed to another office - they gave me the 800 number. Maybe try the 954 number.

That worked, thanks!
Yes. We are staying in north key largo for first part of week. We are then moving towards marathon for later part of week. We have plotted tons of stuff and right now have about 500 miles worth of trips planned.
ok great when you get to the lower keys give me a call, we can hook up around mm 22 which is cudjoe bay and I can lead you in to marvin key from there if you like
Kind of.....
we are going to Orlando on with the kids and we are seriously considering to bring our ski at the keys for a day or 2. This is more for research purposes. We want to evaluate if the keys are just as good as Bimini, so we can decide for 2020 if we are going to cross or if we will stay in Florida.
Betik, I can also show you how to get to the sugarloaf lodge tiki hut for food drinks, they have a floating dock for up to 5 boats
I have the group reservations form and such for Bahia Mar slips. In Memphis moving my daughter, so, look on Monday or Tuesday for me to catch up and get it posted.