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Bimini 2019 July 7th (Bahia Mar) depart July 8th for Bimini return July 13th

Those are the dates I am planning on. Not the week of 4th of July as it will be packed there and bookings will be hard to come by. Just waiting to see what happens with Bimini Sands. Not keen on Resort World as its a long way up to them, and their dock fees are almost more expensive than their lodging....but I am a Hilton member!

I'm hoping Bimini Sands will get their crap together, or I'll look at a house in South Bimini with a dock.
Julian, will you be going with us to Bimini in July. Most of us will be staying at Resort World Condos
Confirmed, I received the customs and immigration forms in the mail yesterday. @afsigma21, might want to let the group know to contact Bahamas tourism office (800-32-SPORT or 954-236-9292) for their C&I forms.

Wow! I’ve been calling them for two days about the Bahamas Boat Fling in June and I still had have not gotten in touch with anyone or gotten a call back.


@Dean P The customs form can be downloaded, but the immigration form cannot.


Looks like there's an organized boat fling departing Bahia Mar on 10 July. Luckily someone had foresight to plan this before the fling's date.

July 10-21, 2019 - Extended Fling (The Exumas) Registrations for this fling are closed as all spaces have been filled.

July 24-28, 2019 - Bimini

July 31-Aug 4, 2019 - Bimini
Looks like there's an organized boat fling departing Bahia Mar on 10 July. Luckily someone had foresight to plan this before the fling's date.

July 10-21, 2019 - Extended Fling (The Exumas) Registrations for this fling are closed as all spaces have been filled.

July 24-28, 2019 - Bimini

July 31-Aug 4, 2019 - Bimini
There is?? Do you know the name of the group?
Can I join the July 7,8 trip? We’ll be in FL keys with wife and kids for the 4th, in our diesel pusher RV with boat behind.
All me 954-597-3812, I’m going on this trip and I I’ve in the keys, I can take you to some islands while your here in the keys and then if u like we can drive to laud at same time
All me 954-597-3812, I’m going on this trip and I I’ve in the keys, I can take you to some islands while your here in the keys and then if u like we can drive to laud at same time
Sorry 954-598-3812
I think the general consensus would not give a hard no, but would ask you if you're prepared for the trip. Would this be your first trip (it's mine)? If so, read through the Preparing for Bimini thread. Do you have a place to stay? Is your boat prepared for the trip? Do you have redundancy in comms? Do you have safety equipment, not just USCG required, but the additional items such as multiple signaling devices.

Can I join the July 7,8 trip? We’ll be in FL keys with wife and kids for the 4th, in our diesel pusher RV with boat behind.
I think the general consensus would not give a hard no, but would ask you if you're prepared for the trip. Would this be your first trip (it's mine)? If so, read through the Preparing for Bimini thread. Do you have a place to stay? Is your boat prepared for the trip? Do you have redundancy in comms? Do you have safety equipment, not just USCG required, but the additional items such as multiple signaling devices.

Yes it’ll be my 1st trip to Bimini , but I have experience offshore. I have read through the preparing thread last year. No place to stay at the Bahamas yet, if I’m ok to join, are we staying on one island every night or are we hoping islands?
Navionics -x2 ✔️
Bilges - x2 ✔️
GPS ✔️
PLB ✔️
Multiple signaling devices ✔️
Hand held radio ✔️
No VHF tho, is it a must?
Yes it’ll be my 1st trip to Bimini , but I have experience offshore. I have read through the preparing thread last year. No place to stay at the Bahamas yet, if I’m ok to join, are we staying on one island every night or are we hoping islands?
Navionics -x2 ✔
Bilges - x2 ✔
Multiple signaling devices ✔
Hand held radio ✔
No VHF tho, is it a must?

If you need to pickup something today is the last day for 30% off at Overtons. This is my first trip too and I just bought a ton of stuff from them.
Those Dates work perfect for me. Cross over July 6 or 7th through July 12 or 13th return. This will be my second trip to the Bahamas , first to Bimini. I have a few years of salt water experience so don't mind leading the way. This will be a family trip and my two kids cannot wait!! Any other boaters interested in joining feel free to contact me. 3 to 4 boats would be great.
We have 10 vessels going so far july 8 returning the 13, we will be at bahia mar on the 7th
We certainly aren't turning people away. Post when your reservations are made and I will add you on the front page... My general 'leader guide' for this crossing is this:

"This is a smaller crossing group than in past years so please keep in mind that as the Captain you are responsible for your boat and crew. When all is said and done, if you aren’t prepared for a solo crossing, then you aren’t prepared to cross with this group. "