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Bimini 2019 July 7th (Bahia Mar) depart July 8th for Bimini return July 13th

No clue. I never rented one. @Bruce might have a contact in norht Bimini.
@bronze_10 your boat made it into this video lol around the 2:10 mark I think it was

That one had a tower and tinted windows... not sure who's it ... dang... I was hoping for royalties!
That one had a tower and tinted windows... not sure who's it ... dang... I was hoping for royalties!
If you are trying to find my boat, go to utube type in 2018bimini crossing. click on battle of sea weed, go to end mine is black with tan top helping my friend dock to my boat
so, my official MMSI is 316039635, Call sign is VBA2025 for better communication during the trip !
ooops. I forgot, I will get this posted up today!
Group rate reservation form for Bahia Mar - You have to indicate who you are sharing with, so we should do our best to pair up.


Group rate reservation form for Bahia Mar - You have to indicate who you are sharing with, so we should do our best to pair up.

How does this work? do each of us send it in individually?

Im ready to book, who wants to share with me?
I’ll share with you. What’s your boat’s name? I’m ‘Lil Bit’

How does this work? do each of us send it in individually?

Im ready to book, who wants to share with me?
I'm not sure how the form works, I'll just annotate somewhere on the form a Scout Dorado 21', does your have a color?
2015 Scout 210 Dorado. standard white gel coat color.

are we suppose to fill it out and return it to Stephanie individually?
That is how I understand it. Coordinate with a pair, send it in to her.
so, my official MMSI is 316039635, Call sign is VBA2025 for better communication during the trip !
Last year all jet boaters received call signs at the captain meeting, charlie 1 was lead boat then charlie 2-13 for rest 6 boats per side in a v formation
Last year all jet boaters received call signs at the captain meeting, charlie 1 was lead boat then charlie 2-13 for rest 6 boats per side in a v formation
My call sign name come with MMSI, station license from Canadian official to use in local and international water, only needed when use officially, otherwise Eagle 1, 2, 3....... sounds better like in a movie, lol .....!
If you have SkiSafe for insurance, they don't insure navigation to Bimini for boats under 26'. I have to find another insurer. Luckily (I think), my policy ends 5 July, so it's basically a clean break.
Check safeco. I'll snap picture of my policy it gives a lat line I believe its 29n and 75 miles offshore of us and Canadian mainland.