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Considering purchasing jet boat


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FSH Deluxe
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I am considering purchasing a used jet boat and looking to find out what questions I should ask in order to ensure a smooth purchase. Found one through boat trader but also listed on pop. 2021 FSH Deluxe with 169 hours. Besides some minor defect to the bimini top and very minor cosmetic damage supposed to be in shape.

What should I ask/request to ensure peace of mind? I checked it out on boat history report and seems ok with no accidents reported.
Welcome to the forum.

I've seen several posts like yours over the last few years and have responded to a few. Try the search function (it works very well) and you should find lots of good info.

You could also look under the FAQs to see what you can find.

Let us know what you find.
Welcome! Agree that this forum has addressed your question and search works very well- some things to get you started:

Hours & maintenance records & overall cleanliness. Looking for a boat that was well cared for
How it was used- salt or fresh & check condition of the anodes
How it was stored (in water, on lift, on trailer, covered, indoors, etc)
Do the cleanouts go in and out easily
What modifications have been done, including steering enhancements
Trailer condition - tires, brakes, bunks, electronics, salt water exposure
On water- starts up easily, pissers have equal output, gets to the expected top speed, runs wide open for a while without warnings or errors, how much water drains from the bilge, no cavitation on full throttle launch or turns, steering and throttles operate smoothly

Good luck!
-Take or get a strong light, I have a few of the Mini mag LED lights that use two AAA batteries they’re very bright. Look into each compartment carefully, take your time and really look at things.
-In between the clean out plugs there is a mechanical access hatch that gives access to the aft bilge, open it and look carefully in this area for corrosion and or broken hose clamps. Look at the area where the drain plug is, debris? Water level marks in the V area? Just about all of the Yamaha boats have water in the bilge at the end of the day, so no surprises there if there is evidence of water, you’re just looking to see how it was managed. The good news is with a couple of weekend days of work you can make this boat have a dry bilge.
-Reach inside the live well and gently try to move the fittings, they should not move
-Underneath the mat you’d stand on while you are at the helm is an access hatch for the fuel tank, open that and have a look. Clean? Dry?
-All rocker switches should light up when operated, check for operation of each device, nav lights, courtesy lights, bilge pump, live well fill, live well aerator, horn, etc.
-Get under the boat while it’s on the trailer and look up into the jet pump intakes, look at the gap between the impellers and the wear ring, the gap should be very tight like can’t get a business card in between the impellers and wear rings, look for dings and dents on the edges of the impeller blades and radial scratching on the wear rings, some scratching is normal.
-Pull the dust boots off if the bearing buddies, do they appear to have been greased? Push on one side of the piston, does it rock or is it solid? If no to these questions plan on servicing the wheel bearings to avoid problems. Have the owner Jack up each wheel one at a time and check for excessive bearing play a little is normal. On the braking wheels check that the wheel spins without too much drag. -Check the brake rotors for discoloration which would indicate a stuck caliper.
-Check the brake fluid level and the color of the fluid. If there is fluid and it’s black you’ll need to change it. On the brakes, have the owner show you the trailer owners manual, in the manual are instructions on how to bleed the brakes using a screw driver, pump the brakes with a screw driver to make sure they work. If you need help with this let us know. do this while one of the braking wheels is off the ground to see if you can verify the brakes work.
-Has the center pivot between the trailers springs been lubricated? If not, this could be area you will need to work on as it can rust up inside and prevent the grease zerk from being used. If possible put a grease gun on there and see if you can pump grease into that bushing and note that grease comes out of the pivot area. Ask me how I know lol!
-Pull the oil dipsticks and see what condition the oil is in, while black in color is not desirable the smell is more important, does it smell fried? Check the wellness page on the connext screen for how many hours since last oil maintenance.
-Have a look inside the battery boxes, how do the batteries look? Clean? Age? Electrolyte levels? Connections tight? On board battery charger? Turn the key on and check voltage levels for house and start.
-Turn the steering wheel full left and right slowly, check for ease of turning and if there are any rough spots.
-Check the pop up mooring cleats for proper operation and tightness.
-Turn on bilge blowers, do they sound okay? They will make a not good sound if they’re on their way out.

Lastly the sea trial.
-Do the live well and aerator pumps work correctly?
-Does the raw water wash down work?
-Do the throttles operate smoothly? Will they hold their position? Does the no wake mode work correctly? Three steps up?
-Will the boat run at cruise (25 mph) for 10 mins without over heat? Check that the cruise assist functions correctly, should be 8 steps up and 8 steps down from a given throttle position.
-After the cruise increase to wide open throttle for at least five minutes without overheat. 8000 rpm’s is rated rpm, but if the test is done at altitudes above sea level it will be less and that’s normal. But at sea level on a 60° they should be close to 8000 rpm.
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If it’s a Yamaha it’s ok. Don’t buy any other name brand. Sorry. Somebody had to say it.
Thanks for the replies fellas! I'll do some more research and also some great suggestions that I took down. :)
If the minor damage to the bimini top as in canvas, you can always just replace that, especially if the price is right on the boat.

Inspect the other cosmetic damage to make sure it's not hiding other issues if it is hull related.
If the minor damage to the bimini top as in canvas, you can always just replace that, especially if the price is right on the boat.

Inspect the other cosmetic damage to make sure it's not hiding other issues if it is hull related.
My thoughts as well. The minor scrapes on the hull I can see are all on the starboard side, and all look like some minor incident occurred as one of the "A"s in "YAMAHA" on the starboard side as well. All should be revealed when I speak with owner in person during mechanical inspection and sea trial. I've got a good checklist of actions and questions from the group here. Thx

Not advertising, but a link to the listing if anyone wants to view to see if there are more questions to bring up?