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First Wakesurf Board, what to get??

Ordered the 5'6" liquid force fish today. FYI.... evo.com had it on sale for like $239 and $279 for the board/rope combo.
@redthumper9 I can't find it for $239 on EVO, all I see is the $279 rope combo. Do you have a link? I have no need for the rope.
No worries, still a good price. Thanks for sharing.
Overton's has all their liquid force gear on sale (15% off), I think the fish was 254.99.
Just used the 5'3" liquid force fish for the first time today with friends who never surfed before. the board was awesome!! everyone got up and the board was super stable and easy. big thumbs up for those looking for a beginner board for everyone on the boat. much easier than my hyperlite broadcast
I just picked up the last 5' 3" fish they had, can't wait to get it and a chance to try it out!!! :)
i guarantee you won't be disappointed. let me know how you like it. @woodard1983
I bought the Liquid Force Fish from Evo Outlet during the winter. I got it for $180 with free shipping. I must admit I thought about buying several and saving them for the summer to resale. But, I didnt.
lol, do you really have to tell me things like that right after I bought one?!?!?! ;)
Well, it was like 1 or 2 years old model. Something odd like that. Can't remember specifics though. I had to look up the price I paid for it.
just an FYI, I received the email from overtons stating that they have a discount available by using the discount code "boating"

Overton's price on the FIsh w/rope combo is $279.99, with the 15% off discount it makes it $237.99...I called EVO to cancel my order and was going to go with Overtons due to the lower cost....

Here's the GREAT news, the EVO rep let me know they price match, plus 5%....out the door price through EVO using the price match was only $225.15 :)
Well, it was like 1 or 2 years old model. Something odd like that. Can't remember specifics though. I had to look up the price I paid for it.

hahaha, no worries, I was just giving you crap!!! Can't blame you for finding a better deal
Now I just need to get UP on that fish!!
Just out of curiosity what type of rack/brand is everybody putting their fish in? I was hoping ours would fit in our wakeboard rack but no go.
I have the Fish 5'6" board and with no ballast my son (~110 lbs) can surf ropeless, just barely. For me (220 lbs) seems like no matter how many ppl i have in the boat I cant go ropeless, i could be just I'm not good enough but I honestly think i just need some ballast. I'm looking at getting the Fat Sac 1620 Lb + pump package on Amazon ($300). From what I have been reading the most common setup would be a 540 lb bag in bow, 540 lb on side your surfing on (under the port or starboard seat) plus one on the transom (same side). Seems like people that have this setup are able to straight line surf ropeless.

With a 242 that I have I'm hoping it works!

I don't think this set-up will let you straight line surf but it will let you surf in a circle. There are only a select few on the board that can actually pull of the straight line surf behind a Yamaha and it requires a lot more ballast and the wake is washy. Hopefully here soon things are going to change and everyone will be able to straight line surf behind their Yamaha with the new product that is coming soon!!!
The wife on our straight line surf wake.

I took my Hyperlite Landlock out for the first time last night and was able to go ropeless with just standard 212x ballast. We were running in a wide circle but I had no issues. The board however is a hippo compared to my Inland Surfer squirt which feels like a cheetah. I can't go ropeless for more than 10seconds on the IS squirt though. Most of that is probably due to technique. Carving the wake while holding the rope on the IS squirt is a lot of fun.
One more thing that surprised me is that the Hyperlite Landlock fit in my standard 212x wakeboard rack. All the measurements I did and read about online had me convinced it wouldn't but it just fits snugly.