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First Wakesurf Board, what to get??

I've tried a bunch of different boards and have became a huge fan of the Inland Surfer Blue Lake and Red Rocket. Great boards for the size wake on the 212X.
I've tried a bunch of different boards and have became a huge fan of the Inland Surfer Blue Lake and Red Rocket. Great boards for the size wake on the 212X.
@Cardsharp do you have any experience with the Inland Surfer Tacko board? I found one online for about 350. Seems like a solid price for a I S board.
You can get the tako board on evo right now for around that price. That is a really good board and the board I would have if it wasn't for the delay early this year. I have rode it and the wife and I really like it. But our next one will be a the one above.
@jcyamaharider do you believe this would be a solid purchase for our first board? Never surfed. Have a 242 with good amount of ballast. Getting the itch.
Yes this board would be a great first board purchase. Plenty of room to grow with the rider and stable for a first time rider.
I've tried a bunch of different boards and have became a huge fan of the Inland Surfer Blue Lake and Red Rocket. Great boards for the size wake on the 212X.

My wake size and shape is comparable to a inboard but. I love it, and clean straight line surfing all day long!! I want a board for the whole family but can also tear up the wave when we get better.

Here is a pic of our wave after the wife fell, nice smooth face and a tall wave with a lip.

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I surfed for the first time yesterday behind my buddies Malibu. Pretty cool. I couldn't go rope less due to smaller board. I started off transom. Really easy that way.
I bought the first one for one side and the second for the other

http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRAND-NEW-W...749?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2320e5b2a5 picked it up for $130 though

http://yamahajetboaters.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=109&t=58529 this one came from Jeff and neither of us is sure what brand it is, but you can find similar at bulletlines.com or ebay
@woodard1983 The tower rack that you bought from ebay...Do you recall what size the collar was? I am looking at one from the same seller with the 2 wake and 1 surf setup. But they say the collar will fit 2" and up. Since we have the same boat, I was wondering how yours is fitting if it had the same collar.

Here is the link to the one I am looking at http://www.ebay.com/itm/Adjustable-...BOAT-BOARD-RACK-2-2-25-2-5/151418741875?rt=nc

that won't work unless you can get a smaller collar for it, I may have switched mine to another one that I had laying around, but can't remember for sure...I can tell you that you will have to do something to make it work, the 2" collar will start to slip and fall down if you load it up, hit wakes, etc