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Funny/Crazy/Weird things you see Posted on FaceBook (no politics or controversial topics please)

Of course it's on a barge. You got a better idea?!? ??

Wisconsin, I'll drink to that!

He either knows what he is doing, or got real lucky!
Love our beaches and the bays, but as boating season comes to an end and as we live in a rural area, on some days I’m reminded:

:p :p :p

Pretty sure any person on this forum (male or female) can relate to this with a high level of confidence.
SpaceX Starship had their second TestFlight today:

The video quality is amazing taking into account how high the rocket had traveled.

Posted it here, however, as I chuckled after the commentator noted the booster (after a successful separation from the second stage) had a “rapid unscheduled disassembly”

Not Facebook but Craigslist. I was thinking of buying it because I think kno know what’s wrong with and how to fix it (see the last pic) but it’s in LA 400 miles south of me.
Found this on a facebook today,


Hard water sailors are flying across Malletts Bay this weekend. Did hard water sailing today, we had 3 iceboats set up. Got the drone out during some of the lighter wind. Outer Malletts Bay. | By Red Cap Marine & Salvage | Facebook
