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Funny/Crazy/Weird things you see Posted on FaceBook (no politics or controversial topics please)


Funny but serious at the same time. Posted on FB as missing but when I read the name, I have to do it in the manner as one of the first viral videos.
Saw this live and posted it and thought id put it here. From a few weeks ago on a road trip somewhere in the middle of the country.

These dudes had some kind of issue near the drive shaft so they left the tongue on the ball and used the electric trailer jack to lift up the dually, UNSUPPORTED, while 2 guys crawled completely under the truck to get it done. I recorded a video in case something happened but they got mad at me so I had to leave.

Ok who did it
I (used) to drive for Uber and am still on a bunch of driver FB groups. This was posted on one....driver is from San Diego. So check if your Uber driver's car has tire tread.... especially if it's raining! Not the first time I've seen posts about dangerous vehicles being used for Uber.


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The same storm system that collapsed the pier in Santa Cruz.