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Happy New Year to all !

FSH 210 Sport

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Happy New Years to all of my jetboating brethren !

I hope everyone was able to ring in the new year as they wished and had a great time doing it!

A bit of a somber message to follow, but the intent is for all to contemplate and take action to live your best life.

A long time friend of mine is dying after a long battle, 7 years I think, with esophageal cancer, he was not a tobacco user so just one of those things.

I sent him a note on Christmas;

Hi Yancy!
I hope that you had a good Christmas with your family!

You know this Christmas I was contemplating on the things I am grateful for, and of course you came to mind. I am seriously grateful for your friendship and you having my back when I was not around. I think about that on a very regular basis.

I hope that you will be able to get out here in the near future to go for a cruise out in the desert.

Just wanted you to know that you are frequently on my mind and that I appreciate you!

Warm Regards,

Here is Yancy’s response;

Hey there brother 🤘 Great Christmas & looking forward to sleeping in on New Year's 😜. Life's been a trip for the last few yrs & even for the last CPL months. Think my riding days are over but if it ever snows here in CA... Id love to try & get one snowboard run in - We'll see since it's more like summer here than winter.

I'm hoping you had a stellar Christmas & looking forward to a great 2025.

My only advice... If there's anything you want to do in life - GO FUCKIN DO IT BROTHER! STL so many things on my bucket list that I'll NVR get cross off but that's life.

Love you & will always have your back 🤘

That’s typical for Yancy, making sure he’s doing something for you and little if any self pity, and he’s had an extremely rough go with his battle, from his new wife of one year leaving him as soon as he was diagnosed, then losing his new house, to the highs and lows of his treatments. I’m confident that Yancy would want his advice shared with all of you.

So if you’ve been putting off that trip to bimini go do it, THIS YEAR, not next year. Really wanting to upgrade your boat? Go and do it! Whether it’s modifying your existing boat or buying a new one. What ever it is that you’ve been wanting to do, make it happen, don’t wait. Haven’t made sure the people you care about know how much you appreciate and care for them? Make the call, better yet send them a letter or a card that they can hold in their hands, set up a bbq, dinner or a road trip to go and visit, and make it a point to do that regularly.

But most important of all, make 2025 a stellar year!
It's a great reminder, @FSH 210 Sport . I have friends with no retirement savings, and I have friends who've literally never taken a family vacation because they're saving too much or they're too busy to commit to a plan. I expect there will be regrets on both sides. There is a solid middle ground where you can be financially responsible, and still have great experiences with friends and family starting now.
You hit the nail on the head, live for today and plan for tomorrow. Trying to hit the middle ground between the ant and the grasshopper…

There isn’t anyone I know who was on their death bed who was regretful about the money they spent, or the time they spent with family and friends, certainly about how they paid in sales tax on that new boat that took him, family and friends on so many memorable excursions on the water.

One man that I know of had this to say, I wished I’d have spent more time fishing, I wish I would have had more sex with my wife when she was hot, and I wish I would have spent more days on my boat with my friends… now its too late to do any of that.

Its so easy to get caught up in day to day life and to put things off… but losing a close family member or other loved one should bring reality home. Live while you live..
You only have to lose a "young one", to truly understand this.
You don't have to travel, or even drive a fancy car. Accept people for who they are; not what they are. Live with good karma around you, and you will feel it, in more ways than one. Give because you want to, not because you have to.
At the end of the day, we will all be living in a similar condo. No money, no toys, no fancy clothes or jewellery. Just want some, to stop by, visit, and say "Thank you", for the good times and thoughts.
Is there anything else?
Enjoy each day, in a positive manner, because tomorrow is the next challenge!