well, i live in seattle, so i am waiting for those three days of sunshine we get in august. until then i get to tinker and worry.....

. actually, i wasn't even worried until i found this forum page. i just got the boat, so going through it bow to stern. lots of things to do, last thing i want is to rebuild an engine in the middle of my three days of sunshine. lol. i will do it, but id rather do it now if its really a problem. i don't want it to happen out on the water with the family aboard. i don't mind spending the money or the time to do it now if i need to. thats all. so the $6k question.....should i rebuild the engines now or should i just go boating? im pretty sure i know Evil Sports answer given your last post

. but i also like your slogan, "success is not by chance, its by choice". not sure if i wanna chance it. i own an engine shop (2000 hp engines), so its not a big deal to split these little guys apart. id rather do it before i have to replace a bunch of other parts too.

but, i don't wanna spend money if i don't really have to. so, what should i do eh? go boating... i get it. lol