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Holder of the Scupper Wrenches

I just finished my replacement today. Went mostly smooth. I have the wrench below. For my 07 210, the wrench did not work. It hit the exhaust outlet before moving far enough to give me the next flat to move to. I had to use good old fashioned wrenches. It worked although a few more choice words were thrown in but its done.

A shout out to @justason for the help today in the driveway. Thanks!!!

PM me if someone needs the wrench and I will get it out right away.

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Waterboy, do you think your problem was 210 related? I need a wrench to do my 2007 sx230.
you will probably be fine. @justason used the same wrench on his 08 212x and did not have any problems. He commented about how the routing of the exhaust was different in his. Go for it. If you have problems, you get to use channel locks like I did.
Shipped wrench to @Woodchuck . I am wrench free.

I got 2 other requests for the wrench so there are several guys wanting to knock this job out this spring. Keep the wrenches moving everyone. Get out in those garages and get working on the boats!!! Boating seasons approaching :thumbsup:
Shipped wrench to @Woodchuck . I am wrench free.

I got 2 other requests for the wrench so there are several guys wanting to knock this job out this spring. Keep the wrenches moving everyone. Get out in those garages and get working on the boats!!! Boating seasons approaching :thumbsup:

Itching to do exactly that. However, it is 29 degrees (F) here today.
I learned the hard way last October installing an amp that my aging hands REALLY do not like doing boat mods in the cold, no matter how much good it does for my soul. :eek::rage:
Send them wrenches South! Boating season is about to begin here. I need to get this scupper replaced ASAP.

I do feel for you guys up north. Heck, I grew up in the mountains of Colorado and have seen enough snow to gag a Yeti. The weather here in San Antonio has been cold and wet here until just recently.
@JetPowered I've got my new scupper in hand, along with one of the scupper wrenches. My plan is to have mine done before Friday. If you've got your Scupper in hand, I'd be glad to send your way.
Well, it's on the counter. ;) @ToddW850 that would be fantastic. Installing perfect pass as we speak. Got to keep these projects going. I'll pm you my address.
Got my Scupper replaced last night and will be sending the wrench out. Not sure I would have tackled this job, if not for this FORUM! But I already knew all the steps and what to expect and it went like clock work. JetBoaters.net Forum and members are worth their weight in gold.

On a side note, I replaced all my SS Clamps inside the transom. Last summer I found a broken one in the bottom, on the floor. Glad I switched all these out, because I found 2 more broken ones yesterday, and another one broke while I was unscrewing it. I would highly recommend y'all checking/replacing yours if you have a few years on your boat....and possibly in salt water. I'm guessing the salt water contributed.
And welcome aboard @737driver . Glad to have you here on the forum...gee, what do you do for a living?;)
I am guessing the same thing as you! Hopefully you haven't had to use your boat to get to the airport this last week. I am a MDW based convert from AirTran.
I'm an AA -800 driver. Huge amount of weather this year around this area, causing both issues on lakes and at homes as well as flying issues.
I have an '07 SX 210, which scupper model would fit my boat?
I have an '07 SX 210, which scupper model would fit my boat?

@Outlaws you and I have the same year boat. If you go with the Attwood brand it's #665533. I found the best price for it on Amazon with free shipping.
Glad to see this still lives on..
Just an FYI. If you need to change your scupper but don't want to wait on the community wrenches.

This wrench can be bought at Menards for $10.00 in the plumbing dept. It works pretty well.20150604_185745.jpg