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How I Replaced Yamaha's AIRMAR Transducer for half the cost (WITH PICTURES)

Does anybody know if the DT800 will work with a 2021 195S? Or how can I determine?

Is there a detailed writeup (preferably with pics or video) anywhere on actually installing the new unit and running the wire? Is this something I can do with my boat on my lift or do I have to get it on the trailer? Does the exhaust need to be removed?

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Does anybody know if the DT800 will work with a 2021 195S? Or how can I determine?

Is there a detailed writeup (preferably with pics or video) anywhere on actually installing the new unit and running the wire? Is this something I can do with my boat on my lift or do I have to get it on the trailer? Does the exhaust need to be removed?

I have a 2018 195 and it has speed, depth, and temp. There's a wheel on it. If your transducer has a little wheel on the bottom, then no a DT is depth Temp and missing speed. A transducer could be replaced on a lift as long as it's out of the water. Most people leave the original through hall housing and just unscrew and replace the unit. I'm again not sure about the 195S but most are located in the stern of the boat where there's an access panel. Unless they changed that too there's should be an access panel.
I have a 2018 195 and it has speed, depth, and temp. There's a wheel on it. If your transducer has a little wheel on the bottom, then no a DT is depth Temp and missing speed. A transducer could be replaced on a lift as long as it's out of the water. Most people leave the original through hall housing and just unscrew and replace the unit. I'm again not sure about the 195S but most are located in the stern of the boat where there's an access panel. Unless they changed that too there's should be an access panel.

Thanks! I just looked, and it looks easy peasy to change. I don't even have to remove screws to access the bilge
Today was supposed to be the day.... Took off of work, drove 1.5 hours south, found a Starbucks to wait at, and then got the call. The transducer they bought, I am guessing, is the DT800...not realizing that for my 2015, I need a DST. They tried to reset everything on the boat in hopes that maybe thats all it needed. They said that typically if one of functions goes out, then everything goes out. Not in my case, its just the depth.

Of course, there was a pathetic apology, and no sense of urgency or the fact that they are now forcing me to have to do this again whenever a new part comes in. No comping of gas or anything, and they knew this was a challenge for me being further away.

I am seriously thinking about just ordering the DST810, the pigtail as described in here, and doing it myself. And if/when the part comes in, I can have the dealership ship it to me as an extra. Just sucks that they will get paid by Yamaha for work they really aren't doing.

Anyone have thoughts on this cable and whether it could be an alternative to making our own? Yes it is for GPS and chartplotting but the wires are just passing the signal through. Only thing I can't tell or have found a photo of, are the ends and do they line up with what would be needed.

I know that making our own is not the end of the world and pretty straight forward. But if I can avoid an additional connection (that I screwed up), I would. Tempted to get this via Amazon incase it doesn't work out and I can send it back.
My 2019 242x was reporting errors connecting to the transducer and beeping non-stop this weekend so it looks like this will be my next project. Does anyone know if the oem transducer just uses a Yamaha engine bus connector instead of a nmea connector? It looks like you can buy a Yamaha engine bus to nmea patch cable GARMIN Yamaha Engine Bus to J1939 Adapter Cable | West Marine
I bought the J1939. For my 2019 AR210. I had to send it back because it is not a match.
I bought the J1939. For my 2019 AR210. I had to send it back because it is not a match.
Thanks for confirming this. I looked at pictures from quite a few of the pre-made cables and none look to have the correct connector on the boat side.
Hi all. Yet another owner with transducer issues here. I have 2021 AR210. Been scrolling through this thread and per one person's valuable post, I'm trying to make sure that Airmar DT800 sold by Hodges is a fit. Their customer service rep couldn't say for sure, only that if my boat is NMEA2000 then it will. I'm def new to the repair scene here (luckily) as the only work I've had to do is installing boom speakers. Does anyone know if 2021 AR 210 is NMEA200 standard ? TIA
I’m dealing with the same issue in my 2019 AR210. The DT800 is NOT compatible. I ordered and had to send it back. The letters stand for the features. DT stands for depth and temperature. My boat has the paddle wheel for speed. (Photo attached showing the DT-800 compared to the one I took out of my boat.) I reordered with the DST-810 and installed. It works so far. The DST-810 has the paddle wheel for speed. Good luck.


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I think it depends on the boat and whether or not the speed is calculated by GPS or the paddle wheel. That is where the dealership screwed up with mine. They assumed my AR210 was by GPS, but they discovered very quickly its by the paddlewheel. Hopefully next week I can get back down there and get this finally taken care of as the DST810 is in. Not sure what years and what boats have the speed by GPS and what uses the paddlewheel.
I think it depends on the boat and whether or not the speed is calculated by GPS or the paddle wheel. That is where the dealership screwed up with mine. They assumed my AR210 was by GPS, but they discovered very quickly its by the paddlewheel. Hopefully next week I can get back down there and get this finally taken care of as the DST810 is in. Not sure what years and what boats have the speed by GPS and what uses the paddlewheel.
Agreed. I wish I would just looked under the boat in the first place. I would have saved myself the aggravation of sending parts back when I saw the paddle wheel.
Also saw in a prior post that the transducer is located beneath the starboard engine...that right ? How did y'all get to it to change it out ?
Finally got the dealership to install the correct transducer, DST810. Haven't had a chance to look in the back and see how they spliced it all together, but assuming it's similar to what's in this thread.

On the plus side, my speedometer states I am about 7mph faster than I was. The speedo would never go over 35 on the smoothest/calmest of days. Last night, I topped out at 42mph. I know I didn't gain horsepower or speed with the new transducer, but I did read on Airmar's website that these new transducers are more accurate with speed and depth readings than previous models. What ever way it is, I like seeing the needle go a little farther now.

Speaking of depth readings, it's been a long time since I had a reading, but do other people's depths show down to the tenth of a foot. I always thought it was a whole number like 15 feet. Now I get 15.4 feet. Not that that really matters for me, but an interesting reading nonetheless.
I have never seen a reading with tenth, only whole number. had this same ducer for over a yr now. It has been working great. no issues. OEM ducer still on order with dealer and no known date for delivery.
Does anyone know the part number for the OEM transducer plug? (Or cut off the plug and would want to send it my way)
I have my OEM one as well as the new plug that came with the transponder. Not sure if the OEM one would fit, but I am happy to help. Downfall is I wouldn't be able to send until next week, as I won't be at the boat until this coming weekend.
I have my OEM one as well as the new plug that came with the transponder. Not sure if the OEM one would fit, but I am happy to help. Downfall is I wouldn't be able to send until next week, as I won't be at the boat until this coming weekend.

No rush - I want to see if I can create a plug and play T-harness to integrate my new Garmin. Both sides of the OEM would be sweet, but really just need one.
I have my OEM one as well as the new plug that came with the transponder. Not sure if the OEM one would fit, but I am happy to help. Downfall is I wouldn't be able to send until next week, as I won't be at the boat until this coming weekend.
@The Canuck
Did you get Yamaha to cover it? If not, mind if I ask how much they chaeged and where you picked up the 810? thanks
@CBallr - Yes Yamaha covered it. Or let's put it this way, I didn't pay a penny for the repair work (just time off of work and gas money). Still not quite wrapping my head around how Yamaha is approving this splice method (if they actually are). When I questioned the dealership they said it would be covered under the same warranty as the OEM part and the warranty is 90 days.

Searching (since I wasn't sure if this was going to actually happen or not) I found that Amazon or Hodges Marine had the two best prices. I think Amazon was more by a few dollars, but they could deliver quicker.

Attached is the work order for the repair work. If you buy the parts individually I don't think you are spending more than $370, maybe $400 max. I was told if I was mechanically inclined I could probably do the work in about 2-3 hours. Probably quicker if I was more familiar with the part/boat. Either way, the dealership is making some money (which its their right to do) based off of this work order. Just as long as this part doesn't become an issue over the next 90 or less days. But then again if it does, I file a claim and take it back to this dealership.
