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It’s Confirmed.....cat’s out of the bag 255XD and 212XD have 12” Connect, DRIVE from 275 AND SVHO engines!!

I'm already wondering when a lot of that stuff is gonna filter down to the 21' boats, and what the bump in price is gonna be. Not looking to get rid of my boat, but digging the back end setup on that thing!
damn, only got to see the 25ft CC. looks sweet though!
Dangit. That's the one I wanted to see. Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
When they start hitting the lots I may reach out to my dealer and see what's shaking, BUT that's only if they don't start approaching legit tow boat prices. Unless they can actually produce similar waves, now. Like if the 212xd has 3-4k lbs of ballast stock......now we're talking.
When they start hitting the lots I may reach out to my dealer and see what's shaking, BUT that's only if they don't start approaching legit tow boat prices. Unless they can actually produce similar waves, now. Like if the 212xd has 3-4k lbs of ballast stock......now we're talking.

I mean, even then it's still jet and you're at a brand new vdrive pricing then too.
With the way demand is right now, these prices will be higher and dealers will hold pricing. I'm betting the top trim 25 footer will be $80k+.
I mean, even then it's still jet and you're at a brand new vdrive pricing then too.
Not a top of the line v-drive boat, though. You want good surf out of the gate, nice features (like connext, wetsounds system with amp, etc), you're talking over 80k. Sure I could get an entry level heyday, or some of the other stripped down boats. I priced a moomba craz the other day and with similar features to my 212x and I was up to 78k. That DIDN'T include the $3k wake/surf racks. So for 81k I could get a v drive similarly spec'ed to my 212x.
Not a top of the line v-drive boat, though. You want good surf out of the gate, nice features (like connext, wetsounds system with amp, etc), you're talking over 80k. Sure I could get an entry level heyday, or some of the other stripped down boats. I priced a moomba craz the other day and with similar features to my 212x and I was up to 78k. That DIDN'T include the $3k wake/surf racks. So for 81k I could get a v drive similarly spec'ed to my 212x.

Yeah, agree, and kind of my point. You could buy a decent 23' one or two year vdrive, or a smaller new vdrive, for what I'm assuming, is going to be the same amount of money, and have a boat that surfs and boards better than a Yamaha. Slower and more maintenance, but if you're chasing those big fat curly waves...
Someday you will hear someone say, "Ya, we went down to a Super Air Nautique, the Yamaha's price point was just too much!" ?
Love it!.... except for that contraption behind the drivers seat?... what’s up with that?... not like I’m gonna be working while I’m out boating!.. LoL!... but I guess it makes a spot for the ice chest underneath?

Thanks for that. Twin superchargers in a 25' boat, very cool. Weird little table that will probably bust itself in hard chop, pass. How about those sliding seats on the transom - I don't foresee any sand getting into that mechanism at all (eye roll), so also pass. "Surf setup" meaning "we took the crappy system from last years model and stuck into the 12" screen, and also, you need this $800 piece of metal too..." PASS.

I did love (and Yamaha must read these forums) the mods to the port side storage. Netting, a clamp in spot for the table leg, and drying racks for vests and towels. Can't wait to see the MSRP on this bad boy and get some real reviews of it's hull and surfability.
Take my money!!

did anyone see about the AR250? I don’t want to spend the extra money all drive, ballast, or SVHO engines. I’m curious as to what they price the AR250 as it’s not that much of an upgrade from the AR240.
Haven't seen it but the rumor is $61k ish.... It would be what I am interested in as well.
I did love (and Yamaha must read these forums) the mods to the port side storage. Netting, a clamp in spot for the table leg, and drying racks for vests and towels.
Those upgrades stood out to me too...smart updates.
Haven't seen it but the rumor is $61k ish.... It would be what I am interested in as well.
$61K is where it should be and I’d be okay with that. Again, let me know what price your dealer is willing to do. Mine hasn’t ever budge off MSRP plus $2700 for dealer fees. I’m not going above MSRP.