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Moving to The Dark Side. Pilot House w/F300. Just because... it's Atlantic Northeast.

What’s “happy pat”?
The name "Happy Pat" is in memory of my brother in law. He was my best friend, an amazing figure that was the epicenter of our social world; that just collapsed with him passing suddenly few years ago.
Well, with this boat almost rigged I can't wait to take Pat's son fishing; they live in DC so pretty close. My young nephew loves water and he's now 8 and already a pretty good water skier, started to wakeboard last year with us on the lakes. It will be great to take him fishing.

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Sorry to hear that. Love the respect shown on your awesome vessel. Bro hug.
Freaking love this new boat!
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This was my daughter's first keeper!
I didn't take good pics as I had my hands full keeping the lines from tangling up, this guys was a fighter.
We started trolling for striper using those enormous, locally made, rigs - they are dual setups w/each weighing a pound or so - they run with unequal length leaders at different depths - they are awesome but it's a mess if they tangle up.

Once the water gets a little warmer we will be doing more bottom fishing here. But right now is a bit too early, summer fluke season opens on May 22nd (I think).

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This was my daughter's first keeper!
View attachment 148550
I didn't take good pics as I had my hands full keeping the lines from tangling up, this guys was a fighter.
We started trolling for striper using those enormous, locally made, rigs - they are dual setups w/each weighing a pound or two - they run with unequal length leaders at different depths - they are awesome but it's a mess if they tangle up.
View attachment 148552

Once the water gets a little warmer we will be doing more bottom fishing here. But right now is a bit too early, summer fluke season opens on May 22nd (I think).


That lure looks like the same bucktail jigs we commonly use trolling for striper down here in Nashville, except I use 4oz and they only cost $5 each. I’m guessing those are a bit more. Nice fish!

On another note, I also have a second boat (18’ NauticStar CC) for us boys. The women in my life have been keeping track of and like to remind me of the PFC (Per Fish Cost) of “Boat B” as they affectionately call it. My PFC is down to about $3K, excluding bait fish.

Good times! You’ve got a ton of memories to make. She’s a beautiful boat
Is that fuel flow average data? Cause I’d love to see 1.9mpg at 50mph!

You guys look like you know what you are doing…how’s the fishing?
This boat is really great for fast cruising w/ 8.5' beam and over 30' LOA, with a single outboard. Although close quarter maneuvering is tough - with a single o/b mounted on a very long bracket. I'm starting to get the hang of it, slowly, the pilot house also catches a lot of wind and with enough wind -it gets tough, no matter how good you are.

The hull is a deep-vee but with the helm relatively very far forward (towards the bow) she still pounds (but does not launch out of the water like my AR240, lol); we don't seem to mind it, seems like something one gets used to quickly, having that cabin for protection is fantastic.

I have not been paying too much attention to fuel, yet, as we mostly do short 20-50 mile trips; the tank is somewhere around 130-140gal, I see between 2-3 mpg at fast cruise, sometimes over 3 in flat water going 35mph or so and trimmed up.

That lure looks like the same bucktail jigs we commonly use trolling for striper
Yep - that is it!
The ones we use here are locally made, each one is 12oz, IIRC. They seem to work, lol, the stripers here are pretty crazy this time of year.
Most local headboats now in the Raritan bay shoals just slow troll and they all use something like that, the fast guys with big CC and sportfishers seem to chase the birds. I'm still learning/re-learning the ropes.

Hope we can start going further out by this summer.

Although close quarter maneuvering is tough

Side Shift, Outboard Thruster

I saw this installed on a Yamaha 300 onboard once, almost looked stock. Have no experience/affiliation, just sharing as I was unaware this product existing until a few months ago. Not sure if they would have a kit/joystick option for each of your helm stations.
Side Shift, Outboard Thruster

I saw this installed on a Yamaha 300 onboard once, almost looked stock. Have no experience/affiliation, just sharing as I was unaware this product existing until a few months ago. Not sure if they would have a kit/joystick option for each of your helm stations.
That looks legit! But... any more mods at this point and I'm looking for a divorce lawyer, lol.

In reality, in strong wind a pilot house gets pushed around like a toy, the only way to counter it is with fairly decisive use of the throttle, an acquired skill. It feels a bit scary in a crowded marina given the amount of damage one could inflict rather quickly, lol.

That looks legit! But... any more mods at this point and I'm looking for a divorce lawyer, lol.

In reality, in strong wind a pilot house gets pushed around like a toy, the only way to counter it is with fairly decisive use of the throttle, an acquired skill. It feels a bit scary in a crowded marina given the amount of damage one could inflict rather quickly, lol.

O come on , that is a safety thing. USGC auxiliary should be proud of you embracing such a safety feature.

Personal note, if it come to divorce forget the layer; do you know how many mods you can do with the fees of retaining such legal crook ...
Have you been thinking about putting in an air conditioner now that things have warmed up? I saw this C Dory today with a cabin top AC and thought about your boat.

Have you been thinking about putting in an air conditioner now that things have warmed up? I saw this C Dory today with a cabin top AC and thought about your boat.

View attachment 151547
That is a super NICE C-Dory, I love these boats! this one must be like 10.5' beam - from the looks of it.

We have not plans to make our little Parker "habitable", too old and cranky for boat camping!

We have not been out in any hot weather yet, but with the front windows up that ocean breeze is fantastic, so we will see.

That is a super NICE C-Dory, I love these boats! this one must be like 10.5' beam - from the looks of it.

We have not plans to make our little Parker "habitable", too old and cranky for boat camping!

We have not been out in any hot weather yet, but with the front windows up that ocean breeze is fantastic, so we will see.


It is a nice boat, as well as the 40 foot Sabre to starboard. We just met Doug, the owner of the Sabre who just arrived from Florida, his second season here. He said last year he was stuck on the Hudson River until August when the Champlain Canal finally opened up.
That is a super NICE C-Dory, I love these boats! this one must be like 10.5' beam - from the looks of it.

We have not plans to make our little Parker "habitable", too old and cranky for boat camping!

We have not been out in any hot weather yet, but with the front windows up that ocean breeze is fantastic, so we will see.


Didn’t you say something about needing a divorce layer if you do one more mod ???
I cannot wait to see how you are going to sale this as safety feature. Taking notes ......
It is a nice boat, as well as the 40 foot Sabre to starboard. We just met Doug, the owner of the Sabre who just arrived from Florida, his second season here. He said last year he was stuck on the Hudson River until August when the Champlain Canal finally opened up.
Sabre boats are made here in Maine - I can practically see their boatyard across the lake from my house.
Sabre boats are made here in Maine - I can practically see their boatyard across the lake from my house.

There is another one parked in front of him one dock over, a 48'er. Beautiful yachts.

Fun with the new autopilot, Garmin Reactor 40.
Almost got me in trouble.
Had to cut a clip, or it would need posted in NSFW, lol.

The AP does autorouting, and has a remote with gesture control. It's a bit insane.
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