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Moving to The Dark Side. Pilot House w/F300. Just because... it's Atlantic Northeast.

Moving to the darkside dilemma. The devil in one ear and an angel in the other. The angel is telling me to buy a 45' sailboat and make the run up and down the East coast annually. But I am liking what the devil is saying on the other side. This 44' Swift Trawler is looking sweet and makes the run from Sarrasota, Fla.

The devil may make me do it.

Ya, Grand Banks and Sabre are on the short list. We have two big Sabres at the marina as well as an 81' Berger.

This is one of the Sabres.


The other, a little shorter at 40', has an upper bridge, that is more my style.

We met the owners of a Grand Banks at a marina in Malletts Bay where we used to slip. Very nice boat and a lot of work to maintain the brightwork.
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I waste some time looking at large boats and thinking of how I could possible retire in early and have enough bank to afford one. Cruising up and down the east coast, the keys, the islands, South America, etc. Just a dream I guess.
You are still young...dreams do become reality.

There is a young couple at our marina that just bought a 34' sailboat, broke their appt. lease here and plan to motor/sail the boat to Fla and Caribbean this Fall/Winter. They are living their dream.
At 53 the clock seems to be ticking faster
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I get it at 60. Thought you were 10 years younger. ;)
Moving to the darkside dilemma. The devil in one ear and an angel in the other. The angel is telling me to buy a 45' sailboat and make the run up and down the East coast annually. But I am liking what the devil is saying on the other side. This 44' Swift Trawler is looking sweet and makes the run from Sarrasota, Fla.

The devil may make me do it.

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Do I dare ask what is the asking price for that vessel ?
Do I dare ask what is the asking price for that vessel ?

350-400k. We would have to change our lifestyle and sell the 480 acre farm first. A nice boat to do the great loop. Either way, the sailboat will be in the same ballpark. Either way we need to down size. This place is big and demands attention. I am not 50 any more, lol.
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@swatski Did you leave her in the slip or did you pull her up on the hard? You have some nasty weather just offshore.


Left in the slip, hopefully ok.
Will check over the weekend...
Left in the slip, hopefully ok.
Will check over the weekend...
Best wishes. Pulling for your boat from here in flyover territory.
I wonder what that ships purpose is. Not cargo but still huge.
Had a friend ship a car from Sweden to the US many years ago. It showed up on a boat that looked like this. Essentially a car hauler for the water. Had a giant parking lot worth of vehicles on it.
Moving to the darkside dilemma. The devil in one ear and an angel in the other. The angel is telling me to buy a 45' sailboat and make the run up and down the East coast annually. But I am liking what the devil is saying on the other side. This 44' Swift Trawler is looking sweet and makes the run from Sarrasota, Fla.

The devil may make me do it.

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I freakin LOVE that boat.
@swatski Did you leave her in the slip or did you pull her up on the hard? You have some nasty weather just offshore.

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Apparently, you guys gave me some very sound advice on spring lines and some such! - The boat stayed in the slip with no issues.

She even looked extra clean this morning with all the rain, lol.
Frankly, I was relieved as I wasn't quite sure what to expect... overnight we had 3ft waves there...... inside the channel...! :eek:
Crazy stuff, but thank goodness zero issues, a dry bilge. This morning we just loaded up and took off.

It was the first time I had a chance to take my little nephew fishing, it was great.



After some fishing we did the mandatory NYC tour, lol.

Apparently, you guys gave me some very sound advice on spring lines and some such! - The boat stayed in the slip with no issues.

She even looked extra clean this morning with all the rain, lol.
Frankly, I was relieved as I wasn't quite sure what to expect... overnight we had 3ft waves there...... inside the channel...! :eek:
Crazy stuff, but thank goodness zero issues, a dry bilge. This morning we just loaded up and took off.

It was the first time I had a chance to take my little nephew fishing, it was great.

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After some fishing we did the mandatory NYC tour, lol.
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Glad to have helped. To alleviate any future anxiety over the boat, you could install a Blink outdoor wifi camera or similar in the wheel house or somewhere else to get live video of the conditions at your boat. We have two on the Beneteau that will notify us when motion is detected from either people walking by, heavy winds rocking the boat and even this bird that visits almost daily to pick spiders and mayflies from the boat. A live picture/video is a heck of a lot better than any wind or weather app. Peace of mind for both of us with just a touch of the screen on our cell phones.

I am going to reiterate a comment I made a week or so ago...Your daughter looks much happier with a fishing pole in her hands than going along as a docking hand and tour guide, lol. Glad ya'll weathered the storm without incident. Well done with the spring lines.

Glad to have helped. To alleviate any future anxiety over the boat, you could install a Blink outdoor wifi camera or similar in the wheel house or somewhere else to get live video of the conditions at your boat. We have two on the Beneteau that will notify us when motion is detected from either people walking by, heavy winds rocking the boat and even this bird that visits almost daily to pick spiders and mayflies from the boat. A live picture/video is a heck of a lot better than any wind or weather app. Peace of mind for both of us with just a touch of the screen on our cell phones.

I am going to reiterate a comment I made a week or so ago...Your daughter looks much happier with a fishing pole in her hands than going along as a docking hand and tour guide, lol. Glad ya'll weathered the storm without incident. Well done with the spring lines.

That would be nice. WiFi in my marina would make it more doable, there is none for now.
Can't complain though, they just added a restroom, lol, and I should feel lucky to have a slip at all; being in a channel here gives protection, too. Can't imagine people slipping out in the open in places like western LIS... but they do. I guess super vigilance required.

Wow, I just assumed every marina South of Vermont has wifi. My bad, I guess I am spoiled at BHM. We are lucky to have a repeater in front of our boat. Wifi at the boat is 20x+ faster than at home.

Edit: The antenna is on top of the post to the right in the picture above that holds the fire extinguisher and life ring.
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