Over a year ago we went back to the dark site.
And now... going darker... lol.
Closing on a 2019 Edgewater 280cx, taking delivery around April. Amazing beast. Looking forward to hit the canyons in a couple of months.
Bye bye Parker, will miss you. LOVE the Parker to death but... offshore, around these parts, can be really rough. With the Parker I need to pick my days carefully. It just doesn't work with my schedule, anymore. It can also be tricky when taking guests, lol, I find my tolerance for pounding hard chop around here is better than average... lol.
The boat is on the Cape Cod, MA, we road tripped there last weekend to close; it's in amazing shape, one owner, shows almost like new.
These boats are a bit of a unicorn, with a year-long wait for a new one and no one having any in stock (and they are priced r-i-d-i-cu-l-o-u-s, pushing 400k new); finding a used one is almost impossible. This unit was already sold when I found it, but apparently financing fell through and I got a call from the dealer - beyond happy!
It was a busy weekend, I didn't take any good pictures; will update at some point. One cool thing is a cabin under the deck, and all the cockpit seats that fold under the gunnels, for fishing trips.
The only "issue" will be towing her down. I'll most likely hire professionally transporters as the size is well beyond my comfort zone - pushing 10k lbs with a almost 10' beam and 30'LOA. Unless we sail.
@Betik - can I borrow your Prius with the trailer?
While on the Cape, we had to visit the old favorite - Lindsey's seafood place.
One of the best places for fried clams, lobster bisque, and clam chowder I know of. It has been there, in Wareham, MA, forever. Kate's the third generation of patrons in her family, starting with her grandma.

fried clams w/bellies - out of this world!