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Moving to The Dark Side. Pilot House w/F300. Just because... it's Atlantic Northeast.

We pulled a permit for storing a boat in our backyard which is required by our township (no HOA), would love to build a barn at some point but it's not trivial, permit wise, in this place.

Of everything you posted...this is what stopped me in my tracks.

There are no words. smh

Starting to see why it's so much more expensive to live there.
Of everything you posted...this is what stopped me in my tracks.

There are no words. smh

Starting to see why it's so much more expensive to live there.
It's not that bad, but yes - it's a high rent part of the country, no two ways about it, lol.

I can't complain though, we were so fortunate, ended up in a property with enough space so we could put in an extended driveway, it works pretty good.

Now, only have a permit for one boat... so hopefully no one complains, or I will be shopping for camo netting! lolol

We had a bunch of "fast growing" evergreens (thuya?), some kind of "green giant", planted in the spring hoping to grow a privacy screen but son-of-a-bitches don't seem to be getting enough sunlight or something and some died some grow but slow... Oh, well. Worst case, will need to give a few more thousand to a storage yard, however it is such a luxury to have the boats in the back of the house as I can work on them whenever I have a bit time.

Thank you sir. Let us know if you ever visit in these parts, I give great "Manhattan tours" on water.
I'm somewhere between 80 and 90 hours, it was a short season for us.


Lol, 80 to 90 hours?, short season?, LMAO. But you have two boats that you put hours on, so don't cut yourself short.
A few more hours and you are considered "live aboard" status. ;)
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We had a bunch of "fast growing" evergreens (thuya?), some kind of "green giant", planted in the spring hoping to grow a privacy screen but son-of-a-bitches don't seem to be getting enough sunlight or something and some died some grow but slow... Oh, well.

Those are arbor vitae. The most annoying plantings around my area. The doorknobs who do new subdivisions around here scrape the dirt to level the area and make mounds on the outer street-side areas, then plant those arbor vitae on top of them. Usually a nice clay pile, and every bit of rain runs down the stupid hill they created, meaning the plants slowly die from lack of water. Usually doesn't take long, 1-3 years. Not sure of your setup, but those things need a TON of water until they're established, at least once a week for the first year (and perhaps more if they're not in an ideal location), and might need supplemental watering after that as well. Should be placed in decently draining soil, and NOT up on a hill. Make a nice "dish" with mulch around the base to hold/direct water to the roots.

Used to do landscaping several careers ago. If you can find a watering donut (big plastic donut-shaped bag that holds water), that thing will be a lifesaver for your bushes, as long as you keep on top of them. Grab these: Amazon.com : Highlight 2 PACK-15 Gallon Tree Watering Bag/Ring, Deep Root&Low-Profile Slow Release Watering Bag for Newly Planted, Multi-Trunk or Evergreen Tree : Patio, Lawn & Garden They WILL get holes in them, perhaps even come with holes, but much like the towables, unless it's on a seam, just patch it and keep using it.

If your soil temps are still above freezing, those will help you. If you're at/below freezing, don't worry about it until spring, and soil temps get to at least 45-50 for 4-5 consecutive days.
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The doorknobs who do new subdivisions around here scrape the dirt to level the area and make mounds on the outer street-side areas, then plant those arbor vitae on top of them. Usually a nice clay pile, and every bit of rain runs down the stupid hill they created, meaning the plants slowly die from lack of water.
I think you nailed it... almost uncanny!
just about describes my situation... when I look at it - these little trees were planted on a steep slope towards the fence as the driveway level had been raised for driveway construction... And yes, they sit on top of nice piles of clay.
Thank you, sir. There will be corrective actions applied shortly in the spring, some are past the point they will need to be replaced though.

This forum continues to amaze (and educate) me!

Over a year ago we went back to the dark site.

And now... going darker... lol.

Closing on a 2019 Edgewater 280cx, taking delivery around April. Amazing beast. Looking forward to hit the canyons in a couple of months.

Bye bye Parker, will miss you. LOVE the Parker to death but... offshore, around these parts, can be really rough. With the Parker I need to pick my days carefully. It just doesn't work with my schedule, anymore. It can also be tricky when taking guests, lol, I find my tolerance for pounding hard chop around here is better than average... lol.

The boat is on the Cape Cod, MA, we road tripped there last weekend to close; it's in amazing shape, one owner, shows almost like new.
These boats are a bit of a unicorn, with a year-long wait for a new one and no one having any in stock (and they are priced r-i-d-i-cu-l-o-u-s, pushing 400k new); finding a used one is almost impossible. This unit was already sold when I found it, but apparently financing fell through and I got a call from the dealer - beyond happy!

It was a busy weekend, I didn't take any good pictures; will update at some point. One cool thing is a cabin under the deck, and all the cockpit seats that fold under the gunnels, for fishing trips.

The only "issue" will be towing her down. I'll most likely hire professionally transporters as the size is well beyond my comfort zone - pushing 10k lbs with a almost 10' beam and 30'LOA. Unless we sail.

@Betik - can I borrow your Prius with the trailer? :cool:


While on the Cape, we had to visit the old favorite - Lindsey's seafood place.
One of the best places for fried clams, lobster bisque, and clam chowder I know of. It has been there, in Wareham, MA, forever. Kate's the third generation of patrons in her family, starting with her grandma.
fried clams w/bellies - out of this world!

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Over a year ago we went back to the dark site.

And now... going darker... lol.

Closing on a 2019 Edgewater 280cx, taking delivery around April. Amazing beast. Looking forward to hit the canyons in a couple of months.
View attachment 169811

Bye bye Parker, will miss you. LOVE the Parker to death but... offshore, around these parts, can be really rough. With the Parker I need to pick my days carefully. It just doesn't work with my schedule, anymore. It can also be tricky when taking guests, lol, I find my tolerance for pounding hard chop around here is better than average... lol...

The only "issue" will be towing her down. I'll most likely hire professionally transporters as the size is well beyond my comfort zone - pushing 10k lbs with a almost 10' beam and 30'LOA. Unless we sail.


Wide load permit at 9'6" breadth and a 3/4 min. ton truck to pull her. Nice boat, she will look good in a slip. Will you have shore power this time? To run a battery charger and AC/ frig etc.? I like the twins astern. So you must have caught a case of fivefootitis somewhere, lol. Even though LOA is shorter by nearly 3'. Either that or you found something crooked on the Parker. ??. Just kidding.
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Dude, new boat looks sharp. I like those folding rear seats, that seems like a better setup than the bean bag chairs......although honestly, the bean bag chairs don't look that bad, just a PIA to store I'm guessing.

Are you bringing any of the fancy new electronics over from the parker? I know you have a lot of time and energy in getting those picked out and setup.

I'm guessing if you're not towing it home, that it's going to live in a slip full time/year round? Think that will help or hurt your usage of the boat?

Am I seeing this right.....there is a cabin on one side, and a head/galley on the other side, with a walk through in the middle? I looked online for pics, but don't quite get how the layout work. Can you overnight in this at any level? If so, then man what an adventure it would be to bring it home by water instead of by land! No idea how far that is, what the cost is, or any of those logistics, but that just sounds like a fun trip in my head.
Looks beautiful

here ya go !
Those dudes are kinda hard to watch.

That cabin is really interesting. The whole go underneath and then slide over through the skinny part into a more open part is......different. Not sure how I feel about it. With that said, this appears to be totally overnightable. I would even wager a long weekend on the boat isn't out of the question. Need a way to make some warm food, but a cast iron skillet and a grill will get you 99% of the way there for that.

Really interesting boat for certain!

The real question is how long before my prius has to deliver your new Hatteras ?
I can help u there too. Got some friends there too. Its right down the road from me. We can tour the facility and place your order. Lol
WOW !!!! very exciting, can't wait to see the fish this one brings in
Gorgeous upgrade, congrats! Was wondering if the 24’ was really enough boat for regular offshore use, this one will give you a lot more ‘good’ days.
@swatski what are you going to do with the LC? I assume a F350 is in order but what is the future of the legendary LC ? Can I get inline before some random Ford dealship makes a killing on it ?
Wide load permit at 9'6" breadth and a 3/4 min. ton truck to pull her. Nice boat, she will look good in a slip. Will you have shore power this time? To run a battery charger and AC/ frig etc.? I like the twins astern. So you must have caught a case of fivefootitis somewhere, lol. Even though LOA is shorter by nearly 3'. Either that or you found something crooked on the Parker. ??. Just kidding.
The beam is closer to 10', but maybe it's the rub rail, IDK. That's still possible to push through the toll boots here, but barely...
The Parker is a fantastic little battle wagon, just not known for creature comforts. No stand up head for example. With four ladies in my family, and myself not getting any younger, that's become one of the two requirements along with a softer ride in the ocean. Not easy to accomplish in a trailerable size.
@swatski what are you going to do with the LC? I assume a F350 is in order but what is the future of the legendary LC ? Can I get inline before some random Ford dealship makes a killing on it ?
I'm keeping the LC until it dies, or I die. That's the plan anyway. Best vehicle I ever owned, there is nothing like it.
Now - I've been on a quest to find a boat equivalent, something that would be equally capable.
I wouldn't tow the 280cx with the cruiser, it's just not in that range. I would rent a 3/4 or full size diesel truck, or call a pro.