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One picture of your last outing.

That's Onyx, and my beautiful wife. He'll be 17 in a few months. He misses his sister's that passed before him, but also lived long happy lives. Don't take him on the boat often, but glad we did today.

Me and my gal stretching summer into fall...image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg
Madeira Beach, Fl

Egmont Key

that must have been a hard wakesurfing session.
Fun filled day on the water. Tubing in the afternoon and out to dinner at night! Took advantage of this probably last warm weekend we will have. Such a bummer summers over, but we had an absolute blast this summer in the boat, and looking forward to next summer!


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Um, nope. I don't think we should surf here.
I rented the lake to myself. It was peaceful!


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Cape Lookout Shootout 2016. My wife is strapping in to Marker 17 Marine's (formerly Snowy Mountain Brewery's) Outerlimits race boat. She went 105 mph......I'm a bit jealous.
This was taken at Lake Cumberland in July. Sorry, it's not from my last outing, nor is it from my new jet boat, but I am new here and wanted to share!
