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One picture of your last outing.

@stever40 I see you are from Minnesota, what is that water temperature?
good question, I am late to the party posting this so water temp at that time was about 67. That was last outing.

Would you believe the air temp today is 75? Only in Minnesota would you put all toys away for winter and watch it warm up.
Grafton, MO, today. Beautiful day on the big river.
The marina manager came to check her out.

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My motley crew just can't seem to get enough of the big river this warm Fall, here are the Alton pool locks.

Grafton, MO, near Illinois and Mississippi river confluence.


This should look familar to @jcyamaharider and fellow saintlunatics.
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@swatski There appears to be some people "cold weather boating", but you are not? I am jealous too.
Boating in November!!!!! woo hoo!!!!!!! Cold morning, but beautiful afternoon.

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This is tablerock Lake 2016 fourth of July, we make it an annual trip to watch all the fireworks on the lake!


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Last outing for the year... Helping friends clean out their cabins on the Susquehanna.
Winterized today. Total sad face.


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Tearing it up on the Mississippi today.
In the River pool 26, between Alton and Grafton w/my buddy Jason.

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November in SoCal...2nd time out with the new boat.IMG_2861.JPG
Just a quick trip to Pyramid Lake. It gets windy out there, but I think it's the best lake that's close to Los Angeles. We usually head out to Laughlin or Havasu.
Nice, I've been there once but over 20 years ago. Drive by there whenever I visit scal and picked up my 242 Los after a test ride at castaic or Hughes (I can't remember which) a little bit further down the 5. Did you notice a performance decreases boating at that altitude? If so, what?
I'm not sure about any performance issues. It was only our 2nd time out with the new 242. I'm still learning about the boat. So far, we love it!
Well congrats on the new boat. As I recall lake pyramid is about 4k feet up, if boat closer to sea level I'd bet you would experience better acceleration and top speed.
@Ronnie.....Thanks for the info!! I hit 45 mph @ 7100-7200rpm. I hoping to see the magic 50mph soon!