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One picture of your last outing.

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Dinner on the lake, temps in the mid nineties...just enjoying a great family time together while staying hydrated!-)
Impromptu boat trip today to the lake after going to the boat dealer for warranty work.

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This was at Silver Glen a couple of weeks ago. Spring fed, crystal clear water. 72 degrees all year round. Nice in the summer, not so much in the winter.

^^that place looks so cool.
I love my boat! Impromptu solo outing in my 19 foot 2016 SX 190 jet ski :)

42 MPH (GPS) 180 spin out = smile on my face.....

I love my boat! Impromptu solo outing in my 19 foot 2016 SX 190 jet ski :)

42 MPH (GPS) 180 spin out = smile on my face.....

haha I have a spinout video I am currently uploading from my last outing. How coincidental :D! gotta love the ability to toss these 19's around like an overgrown ski.
My third daughter wanted to go out on the boat yesterday for her 18th birthday. Happy to oblige! Hopefully not the last time for the year but could very well be.

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We had a stow away

This is probably our last trip out for the season. 70deg. air temps. 60deg water. the four letter "S" word predicted for Sunday. Tis the season. Beautiful day with the lake to ourselves.DSC00120.JPG
Cruising the mighty Mississippi River, near the Ameren Power Plant in Arnold, MO:

And back in the safety of the Meramec River:

Daddy getting some "alone time"
Friday we ran the Ohio River from Golconda up to cave in rock.

5year old drove for a while

Saturday went out on Rend lake and got a long Island to go at the resort


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Forgive me Father for I have sinned.... It has been 4 weeks since my boat was in the water.

Finally got her in the water again. I even got my oldest daughter to come with me.

#DoNotWinterize :)20161104_143556.jpg 20161104_151302.jpg 20161104_153811.jpg IMG_5772.jpg
Probably our last week night dinner cruise with the time change coming. This was the look I got when I said "it's your turn to drive ".


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@stever40 I see you are from Minnesota, what is that water temperature?