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Poor man's anchor pole bracket...190 FSH and others.


Jet Boat Addict
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Ponte Vedra, FL
Boat Make
Boat Model
FSH Deluxe
Boat Length
I have an anchor pole but no bracket. Securing the pole to the boat with a morning line or similar didn't produce solid results. Typically it just bent the pole rod and pulled it out of the bottom. I didn't want to mar up my deck with a bracket or trip hazard and I didn't want to drill below deck. Besides, anchor pole brackets are expensive and there really isn't a reachable transom to put one on an FSH.
So I came up with the poor man's bracket...PVC. For about $2.00

The bracket attachment point is the loop where the trailer transom strap attaches. I hold it in place with a quick release S-shaped carabiner. I can easily feel where it goes. So far, even in a stiff outgoing tide, the bracket has held and when underway it's just above the waterline. Works great and is removable. PVC...the amazing wonder material!!

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@Grover70 very nice addition. Which anchor pole do you use? Do you have a creative DIY for the anchor pole?
I have never heard of an anchor pole before. I love the idea. I think I shall make my own. Thanks!
I don't fish but this would be great when beaching - or "near beaching" which is what we do.

@swatski that is my intention as well. What anchor pole do you use. Do you have a DIY like @Grover70 ? Might use it some for fishing but primary objective is for stern-in beach anchoring along with my primary method the shorespike.
Got a picture of it in action?
What the hell is a Gigawatt, I mean Anchor Pole???
I have an anchor pole but no bracket. Securing the pole to the boat with a morning line or similar didn't produce solid results. Typically it just bent the pole rod and pulled it out of the bottom. I didn't want to mar up my deck with a bracket or trip hazard and I didn't want to drill below deck. Besides, anchor pole brackets are expensive and there really isn't a reachable transom to put one on an FSH.
So I came up with the poor man's bracket...PVC. For about $2.00

The bracket attachment point is the loop where the trailer transom strap attaches. I hold it in place with a quick release S-shaped carabiner. I can easily feel where it goes. So far, even in a stiff outgoing tide, the bracket has held and when underway it's just above the waterline. Works great and is removable. PVC...the amazing wonder material!!

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What size PVC pipe did you use?
I have an anchor pole but no bracket. Securing the pole to the boat with a morning line or similar didn't produce solid results. Typically it just bent the pole rod and pulled it out of the bottom. I didn't want to mar up my deck with a bracket or trip hazard and I didn't want to drill below deck. Besides, anchor pole brackets are expensive and there really isn't a reachable transom to put one on an FSH.
So I came up with the poor man's bracket...PVC. For about $2.00

The bracket attachment point is the loop where the trailer transom strap attaches. I hold it in place with a quick release S-shaped carabiner. I can easily feel where it goes. So far, even in a stiff outgoing tide, the bracket has held and when underway it's just above the waterline. Works great and is removable. PVC...the amazing wonder material!!

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This is a spectacular simple and awesome idea!!!!
@Grover70 very nice addition. Which anchor pole do you use? Do you have a creative DIY for the anchor pole?
Thanks you. I do have an 8' two-piece anchor pole I keep on the boat. Purchased from a website I found on YouTube called Max-Gain Systems. It's very sturdy and comes with all the parts you need.
I don't fish but this would be great when beaching - or "near beaching" which is what we do.

When I'm on the river it works great in shallow water. Saves the time and mess of bringing the anchor or using the trolling motor the whole time. Two anchor poles keep you perfectly stationary.
I see people all the time with real fancy motorized ones. We have been joking that it would be awesome for my boat, but no place to put one.
What the hell is a Gigawatt, I mean Anchor Pole???
The best invention since the anchor itself. If you're in shallow water and have an anchor pole, it'll keep you in place. You've seen the $2k versions on the back of bass boats. Looks like a spider leg going into the water. This is much simpler and cheaper and requires no real installation. Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 1.00.55 PM.png
I see people all the time with real fancy motorized ones. We have been joking that it would be awesome for my boat, but no place to put one.
That was the big problem for me. The FSH has no transom really to mount a anchor pole bracket. Besides, with a swim deck the last thing I wanted was an obstruction or trip hazard. I kept brainstorming on something that could go below the water line but no go. Then I saw the transom trailer bolt and the idea of using that as a mount occurred to me. Then I grabbed a PVC tube and messed around and came up with this. It's very sturdy since the bolt provides the strength once it's going through the PVC. I found that the fit should be snug so I shaved off little by little till it just fit perfectly and wouldn't call off even without the carabiner.
@Grover70 thanks for the idea, ingenuity and motivation to address something I’ve wanted to do “on the cheap” for quite some time.

Just ordered from www.mgs4u.com:

DIY Shallow Water Anchor Part Kits
  • Anchor Rod Length:
    8 foot

  • Fiberglass Rod Diameter:
    3/4 inch OD

  • Color:

  • Standard or Modular:
@swatski that is my intention as well. What anchor pole do you use. Do you have a DIY like @Grover70 ? Might use it some for fishing but primary objective is for stern-in beach anchoring along with my primary method the shorespike.
I love @Grover70's idea here! He should get a patent, lol. I've using a spike (spiral) - at the shore.
Basically, I will throw the bow anchor on approach and turn - stern towards the shore, when I get close enough - not too shallow to damage the bottom/fins/pumps - I'l set the anchor and jump in to install the shore spike and tie it to the stern cleat.
This - pole bracket idea is fantastic, and would complement my bow anchor.

I used @Grover70's idea as inspiration for my version! Same basic principle but I reinforced it with 2 other pieces of PVC and bolted it all together with the threads out to minimize the chance of poking someone. The bolts are to strengthen the areas that would have strain when anchored. Overall it feels very solid and has very little flex. I also added a piece of PVC foam cover to help protect the boat from getting scratched, however the fitment is tight enough that it shouldn't touch the boat. The last thing I intend to do is add a piece of nylon rope to hold the karabiner in case it is dropped. Thanks again Grover!

BTW Here is the anchor pin I have, https://www.walmart.com/ip/Panther-King-Pin-Shallow-Water-Anchor-System-2-Piece-Anchor-Pole/43161550. I haven't been able to try it out yet but excited to try the new mount with it.


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