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Poor man's anchor pole bracket...190 FSH and others.

I used @Grover70's idea as inspiration for my version! Same basic principle but I reinforced it with 2 other pieces of PVC and bolted it all together with the threads out to minimize the chance of poking someone. The bolts are to strengthen the areas that would have strain when anchored. Overall it feels very solid and has very little flex. I also added a piece of PVC foam cover to help protect the boat from getting scratched, however the fitment is tight enough that it shouldn't touch the boat. The last thing I intend to do is add a piece of nylon rope to hold the karabiner in case it is dropped. Thanks again Grover!

BTW Here is the anchor pin I have, https://www.walmart.com/ip/Panther-King-Pin-Shallow-Water-Anchor-System-2-Piece-Anchor-Pole/43161550. I haven't been able to try it out yet but excited to try the new mount with it.
You built a better mousetrap! It looks solid and thanks for posting that improvement.
I'm guessing this is for areas with glassy water?
Anchor poles are typically used for fishing so the water isn't very turbulent. I've used mine in waters with a moderately fast current on the intracoastal and the St. Johns. But anything more than a brisk current or lapping waves and you run the risk of breaking the pole or the anchor pole bracket.
I'm guessing this is for areas with glassy water?

Yeah, the plan for mine is to use it when fishing/scalloping and when hanging out at the sandbar (still use an anchor up front).
Yeah, the plan for mine is to use it when fishing/scalloping and when hanging out at the sandbar (still use an anchor up front).
That's exactly what I do. When I don't really need two anchors, the anchor pole makes it quick work to keep your boat facing in the direction you want. You'll find ways to narrow its use depending on the conditions. The make some pretty neat power poles but they just aren't compatible with our swim decks.
That's exactly what I do. When I don't really need two anchors, the anchor pole makes it quick work to keep your boat facing in the direction you want. You'll find ways to narrow its use depending on the conditions. The make some pretty neat power poles but they just aren't compatible with our swim decks.

I have actually seen a power pole on a 190 FSH. They created a custom L bracket that used one of the stern eye bolts and the vertical mounting surfaces was right behind the platform. It was a interesting setup but my concern is it would get in the way when using the tow eye, such as when pulling a wake board or a tube and they go out beyond the wake. I snapped a couple pictures of it, not sure if the owner is on here though.
I have actually seen a power pole on a 190 FSH. They created a custom L bracket that used one of the stern eye bolts and the vertical mounting surfaces was right behind the platform. It was a interesting setup but my concern is it would get in the way when using the tow eye, such as when pulling a wake board or a tube and they go out beyond the wake. I snapped a couple pictures of it, not sure if the owner is on here though.
I've also seen someone on this forum who had two of those plastic anchor pole brackets mounted on top of the swim deck. They cost $73 on eBay. I just wouldn't want anything mounted to the swim deck since it's kind of a social spot and would interfere with too many things. Next thing you know, someone trips and I'm calling my insurance agent.
Any reports on how this has held up in the field?
Any reports on how this has held up in the field?
I tried mine out a couple weeks ago and it worked great. The mount worked fantastic, was rock solid with no flexing. The pole I have was sufficient (linked in a previous post), my only recommendation would be to not use it in much current as it tends to flex quite a bit (I was in about 4-5 ft of water, so that has something to do with the flex).
Any reports on how this has held up in the field?
My first version 1.0 has held fine in river currents. If I'm on the intracoastal it's held up well too as long as a big wake doesn't dislodge me. It's not an anchor....just an anchor pole ;)


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WOW, that is cool. I'd love to see more pics of this in use!
Yeah it looked great! Not my setup, unfortunately, just some pictures snapped of a boat at the dealer.
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I have an 8 ft anchor pole that I use at the sand bar all the time, I get it about 2-3 feet in, and always holds. I use a bungee rope and attach it to the boat. It does flex a lot but has never come up luckily. It does make me nervous sometimes with how much it pulls and flexes. Yesterday the current was ripping so I threw out a second rear anchor just in case but didn't tie it tight it never came up and never had to use the fail safe. I tried to look through my pictures from yesterday and unfortunately don't have one of the pole anchor just got one with the rope seemingly floating in the air tied to the boat.