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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Went out to the front door to get the milk from the milkman.
Had to apologize for picking up the phone because another family was using the party line.
Had to take a licking from my teacher then call to apologize to the teacher that night after I told my parents what happen
Went out to the front door to get the milk from the milkman.
Had to apologize for picking up the phone because another family was using the party line.
Had to take a licking from my teacher then call to apologize to the teacher that night after I told my parents what happen
Heck, we had a milk box in the front wall of our apartment - that my dad would send me through to open the front door when he forgot the keys.
And the last one! Oh, I remember that one - for me and especially my brother. Happened more than once to him!
(The foundation for the response our kids got tired of hearing from us: "What did your mother/teacher say? And what makes you think MY response would be any different?" Unified front!)