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Good catch @ToddW850. You just avoided a potential, on water breakdown. Now, take a real close look at the black plastic nuts holding your kill switches down. You only need to open the clean out hatch to see them. Both of mine were cracked causing the switches to be fairly loose and allowing them to be pushed down out of adjustment if the hatch door was closed or slammed hard. Mine didn't cause an engine shut down but would have had I not found and fixed it.

The broken clamp you found may also make you want to think about installing tow valves or at least carrying a couple pairs of clamps or pliers in the event you need to run, at greater than no wake speed, on one engine or need to be towed. Just food for thought.
Getting on this too this year. 2006 OEM part.....I'm whistling past the graveyard. Got to find a shop to turn it down, a quarter inch?? Plus, might try and get someone with some land (Tad) organize cookout/ scupper replacing Party :) Now, if I wait til the Shelbyville Gathering in Aug do it Sat nite after pulling out of water....man, I'll have mechanics, engineers, rocket scientists (2-3?), ER doctors....yeah, might be a damn good time to replace it :) Plenty of backup
If you cant find someone local Jerry, just box it up and send it to me. I will turn it down and send it back asap. Probably take me a whole 5 minutes. I also made a wrench that fits over the scupper nut and I will send that along also. I made it to fit in the small space down there.
@Impelled I have the exact same boat as you. Just a little grinding (about 1/16th of an inch) at the 3 & 9 o:clock positions of the scupper flange is all that is necessary to make it fit. I just used a medium sized pair of slip joint pliers to turn the large scupper nut (after removing the starboard muffler) but if @jcyamaharider has a tool that would make it easier.
@Impelled I have the exact same boat as you. Just a little grinding (about 1/16th of an inch) at the 3 & 9 o:clock positions of the scupper flange is all that is necessary to make it fit. I just used a medium sized pair of slip joint pliers to turn the large scupper nut (after removing the starboard muffler) but if @jcyamaharider has a tool that would make it easier.
I didn't know if the older 230's had the same cutout needs as the 2007+ models did or not. I have access to a lathe everyday so either way should be a piece of cake.
I didn't know if the older 230's had the same cutout needs as the 2007+ models did or not. I have access to a lathe everyday so either way should be a piece of cake.
I'm not too sure if there is a difference either. I just noticed @Impelled has the same year & model as I do so thought I'd give out that tip if he was in a rush to get it done.
JC- do you have a picture of the wrench you used? I also have the new scupper but have not replaced yet. Impelled get over here this summer and we can get BuckBuck to help. I'll buy the beer and we can boat on the Fox chain.
JC- do you have a picture of the wrench you used? I also have the new scupper but have not replaced yet. Impelled get over here this summer and we can get BuckBuck to help. I'll buy the beer and we can boat on the Fox chain.
I will get a picture tonight. It is just a piece of steel that I machined to fit....nothing special.
Here is the wrench.

@Detonate , you get me squared away with connecting multiple boat stereos and I will get you squared away about the scupper. :thumbsup:
Should I be thinking about this on a 2013 212??
I don't think it's an issue for you Evil. I believe your scupper is above the water line when the boat is in the water. The older boats had the scupper below the water so if it broke, and several did, you had a 2 inch hole in the back of your boat.
I don't think it's an issue for you Evil. I believe your scupper is above the water line when the boat is in the water. The older boats had the scupper below the water so if it broke, and several did, you had a 2 inch hole in the back of your boat.

Correct. A non issue for 2010 240, 2012 210 styles and on
TONS of good information in here! Thanks guys.
Hey @Detonate ,@maboat , we need a replace the scupper and link the stereo get together. Sounds like it's time for us all to replace them.
If you have an SX210 you don't need to grind the scupper. The 230 has a recess in the transom. The 210 fits flat against the transom - no recess.