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I replaced my scupper a couple of summers ago. Interesting to note that a proper scupper is supposed to drain above water. Not sure what yamaha was thinking. I will relate my "lessons" so that others will have an easier time. My scupper was typical. I got scared when I put my trouble light inside the boat and I could see a band of light around the scupper. T0 remove the old scupper I just wiggled it with one hand and it broke off (now more scared). I also ground about 1/8" off 2 sides of the new SS scupper fitting using a file. I found channel locks or any other type of large wrench that I owned impossible to get in there - and turn more than 1/16th. What I finally did was take a scrap of 3/16" aluminum plate and cut a custom (but crappy) wrench and wrapped tape around the handle. That worked great. If you can borrow a large box end wrench to do the job it would be worth while. My big mistake was putting sealant (5200) on the boat. When I slid the scupper in I got sealant on the threads. No big deal I thought, but then found that working in the tight confines with a nut that wont spin freely was bad. Then the sealant started to set up and I was stuck with the scupper nut half way on and had to slowly take it off. The second try worked great, putting the sealant on the scupper unit, threading the nut most of the way on, and then putting the inside sealant on with a finger. Note: I am a more is better guy so I used too much sealant. The other issue I ran into was a leak. After filling the boat up with water it turned out that the leak was from inside the scupper, coming from the hose connection. The stock ribbed hose is not smooth on the inside and so it seals poorly to the barbs on the scupper fitting. It took some sealant and 2 hose clamps to stop the leak. You will note that factory yamaha put a whole bunch of clear RTV on the stock connection. The moral(s) of the story are: don't do it the first way I tried. Get the right wrench. Test fit it to make sure your wrench will do the job. Don't wait to replace this POS. This is not the best pic as my ballast intake hides it but you can see the tight confines for the wrench and the twin hose clamps on the drain pipe. Hope this helps somebody. Cam.

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@CAM212SS thanks for the heads up on adding sealant to the hose connection. Good tips!
Wow.... Great picture of a very hard to get to place...... Not sure what ours is doing, but its worth a look. my bliss is gone cause im no longer ignorant in this area! Great job! (the second time....lol! ) =)
Looks great!
Cam, Nice write up. What is the galvanized pipe with the red handled ball valve. Is that something you installed? I don't have that in my 06 SX230. When I remove my starboard muffler I have pretty clear access to the scupper valve.
I replaced my scupper a couple of years ago. The old one wasn't in bad condition but the peace of mind was worth the couple of hours work and the small cost of parts.

Thanks for bringing the topic to this site.
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Is this the scupper on the SX190?... This is not a photo I took ... grabbed from somewhere.

So much to learn.


  • SX190 scupper valve.jpg
    SX190 scupper valve.jpg
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We'll be replacing our scupper soon...Would like to replace the stock hose as well (pin holes)...Does anyone know of an alternative to the Yamaha OEM hose? Thinking of washing machine hose as a possibility.
Is this the scupper on the SX190?... This is not a photo I took ... grabbed from somewhere.

So much to learn.

Yes, that's it. But, the way I understand it, you need not worry too much like the rest of us, because yours is above the water line.

I, however, will now be looking to replace mine. I had always read people mentioning replacing the scupper valve, but didn't pay much attention to it. But after reading this thread, I'm scared straight into changing it. :)
Yes, that's it. But, the way I understand it, you need not worry too much like the rest of us, because yours is above the water line.

I, however, will now be looking to replace mine. I had always read people mentioning replacing the scupper valve, but didn't pay much attention to it. But after reading this thread, I'm scared straight into changing it. :)
Yes, with your age boat and salt water use I would do so. It's also an opportunity to check ALL of the hose clamps in the lower bilge area. I found two broken clamps. I also found the two safety cutoff switches that are under the clean out hatch had broken plastic nuts which would allow the switches to go out of adjustment and shut the engines down. So your trip to the lower bilge may prevent a lot of future headaches.
The below-the-waterline scupper has always been the one and only thing I hate about these boats. I keep threatening to relocate the thing above the water-line but haven't worked up the courage to do so yet. In the meantime, I intend to switch the existing scupper to SS.

I inspect my scupper every spring both inside and out: I pull up the clean-out deck and the starboard muffler and get down in there for a good look / wiggle. I also remove the flapper and give a good look/feel on the inside of the scupper. As part of pre-launch procedure, I feel around in there when I'm installing the drain plug. (When the wife sees me doing that she always wants to know how dilated she is and how far apart the contractions are...)

No big boat-projects on the docket this year so maybe it's time to make the switch to SS.

As long as we're down there (so to speak), I'm wondering if anyone has changed out the stock white correlated hose to something a bit more robust. I've been considering a hunk of radiator hose.

Yes, that's it. But, the way I understand it, you need not worry too much like the rest of us, because yours is above the water line.

I, however, will now be looking to replace mine. I had always read people mentioning replacing the scupper valve, but didn't pay much attention to it. But after reading this thread, I'm scared straight into changing it. :)

Copy that. Have never spent time on this boat in the water... have no idea where the water line is ... thanks.
We'll be replacing our scupper soon...Would like to replace the stock hose as well (pin holes)...Does anyone know of an alternative to the Yamaha OEM hose? Thinking of washing machine hose as a possibility.
@marc7 You can find this same hose in your local marine store or online. Measure the inside diameter and search for bilge hose. You can get it in white, black and clear with black ribs.
As part of pre-launch procedure, I feel around in there when I'm installing the drain plug. (When the wife sees me doing that she always wants to know how dilated she is and how far apart the contractions are...)
Now that's funny right there.
Well, after reading this thread, I went out and took a closer look at my scupper valve. Seems fine, however, still going to order a SS one just for peace of mind.

So then I thought I'd take @Gym advise (and some others who suggested it) and really check my clamps in the bilge area. Now, keep in mind, I had opened this up last season and sprayed anything metal (all clamps) with YamaLube (or T-9, I can't remember). So I'm doing my inspection and BAM! I see a FREAKING hose clamp laying on the bilge floor! WTH. Initially didn't see where it came from. Thanks to two engines though and I was able to compare and found it. It was off the hose for the jet/impeller. I already had a couple extra SS clamps on board for emergencies (a suggestion from other members) so I slapped one on there for coverage.

This afternoon I tripped up to Ace Hardware and bought a bunch of SS clamps and will be replacing them tomorrow.

But a huge thanks to this board and it's members for pointing out any issues! Probably saved me from something severe.

Hose Clamp Missing.jpg Broken Hose Clamp.jpg
Getting on this too this year. 2006 OEM part.....I'm whistling past the graveyard. Got to find a shop to turn it down, a quarter inch?? Plus, might try and get someone with some land (Tad) organize a cookout/ scupper replacing Party :) Now, if I wait til the Shelbyville Gathering in Aug do it Sat nite after pulling out of water....man, I'll have mechanics, engineers, rocket scientists (2-3?), ER doctors....yeah, might be a damn good time to replace it :) Plenty of backup
Getting on this too this year. 2006 OEM part.....I'm whistling past the graveyard. Got to find a shop to turn it down, a quarter inch?? Plus, might try and get someone with some land (Tad) organize a cookout/ scupper replacing Party :) Now, if I wait til the Shelbyville Gathering in Aug do it Sat nite after pulling out of water....man, I'll have mechanics, engineers, rocket scientists (2-3?), ER doctors....yeah, might be a damn good time to replace it :) Plenty of backup
Yeah, the only problem is they'll all be drunk. :wacky: