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Isn't it also true that the scupper in the newer boats are above the waterline?
I need another reason to buy a newer boat...I'll upgrade the scupper instead.
In addition, The newer boats, can be checked and examined through the inspection port in you Plug clean out tray. Easy to see and feel.
This whole thread had me in 'action' mode, to be safer than sorrier and change out my scupper. I write this because I have an '08 212X, not the 230 like most here, but wanted to give my experience....so far. I ordered the part from attwood like others here; I was advised the part is universal.
As Boat Crazy eluded to, I can just pop off my inspection port cover from plug clean out tray and look down in there to visually check it? Well, I just did this, and you can't see a darn thing due to starboard waterbox in the way. So I removed the clean out tray, and now I have a full view down of scupper and white drain hose. I loosen the hose clamp and reach down to check the plastic nut and WALLA!, the scupper thread breaks off right in my hand with no force whatsoever!
I'm not trying to start a full blown panic attack in ALL Yamaha boat owners, but I kinda thought I might be overzealous by changing mine out, but am very glad I checked mine today. Cause afterall, it won't happen to me, right? Lol
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@flyin_dutchman glad you checked it cause brother that would have sucked if it broke in the water! Score one for preventative mods!
This whole thread had me in 'action' mode, to be safer than sorrier and change out my scupper. I write this because I have an '08 212X, not the 230 like most here, but wanted to give my experience....so far. I ordered the part from attwood like others here; I was advised the part is universal.
As Boat Crazy eluded to, I can just pop off my inspection port cover from plug clean out tray and look down in there to visually check it? Well, I just did this, and you can't see a darn thing due to starboard muffler in the way. So I removed the clean out tray, and now I have a full view down of scupper and white drain hose. I loosen the hose clamp and reach down to check the plastic nut and WALLA!, the scupper thread breaks off right in my hand with no force whatsoever!
I'm not trying to start a full blown panic attack in ALL Yamaha boat owners, but I kinda thought I might be overzealous by changing mine out, but am very glad I checked mine today. Cause afterall, it won't happen to me, right? Lol
That is exactly what happened to mine. As soon as I touched the threads it broke.
Yeh... I thought what's the big deal here. How is this thing going to break when its basically untouched. Then I spotted a hairline crack in mine in the middle of last summer... It was probably there longer as it was tough to spot without really looking. When I pulled mine out, it only took a slight tug and the tube snapped off. I am glad its been replaced... Just one less thing to have to concern myself with going wrong.
@PEARCE, I ordered this stainless steel scupper for $55 . It looks like it will fit but I have not gotten around to installing it yet. #Scupper #Maintenance



Can you let us know when you install this, so we'll know if it works?

I need another reason to buy a newer boat...I'll upgrade the scupper instead.
Then DON'T replace the plastic scupper

Can you let us know when you install this, so we'll know if it works?

That looks exactly the same as the Attwood scupper I used. They are probably made by the same manufacturer.
I don't fully understand the need to change the scupper. It drains the passenger area out the back. If the rubber valve on the scupper or the entire scupper breaks, couldn't you just plug the hole in the side of the passenger area inside the boat? If you were not on the boat, water would fill the floor, leak into the locker, and then be drained by the bilge if it was on, right? I see this as a real issue if you leave your boat in the water for periods of time unattended. I am probably wrong so please explain.
No if the whole scupper breaks you have a 2" hole in the side of your boat that will go into the bilge area and the bilge pump will not keep up. If it breaks in the water you will loose you boat potentially.

Edit: That applies to boats with scuppers under the water line.
A broken scupper would gush water into your lower bilge. You have many gallons before it reached the bilge pump which wouln't be able to keep up anyway. You would only have several minutes before the engines would be compromised.
As @txav8r pointed out previously, if you KNEW it was the scupper leaking, you could get up on plane and it would be somewhat self-draining at that point. i.e. don't just sit there, GET MOVING toward shore.
After looking thru this thread I just ordered a new valve from Amazon for $66 and they offered me $50 off if I applied for their credit card so I got it for about $20. I need to inspect exhaust down there anyway, I've never had the clean out tray out and it's going on season 9.
Ooh that's cool. Does it have a name?
@Paulie I could have used that yesterday.

I installed mine and it was a PITA trying to tighten that nut. I couldn't get the water box to come out so I had to reach around it to get to the scupper. I do have a question about the install though. How tight do you need to tighten the nut on the back of the scupper. I could only snug it against the hull before the whole scupper started to just spin. I used enough life caulk so that it was squeezing out the sides, both inside and outside the hull, and just left the nut snugged up against the hull. Hopefully it seals or else I have to remove it and start again.
It has to be snug with no play whatsoever. The caulking will shrink in time so you have to get it snug when installing.