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Hmmmm...... Those seats look serious! What do you have there @Britboater ? I had no idea you were a gear head!

O yes, very serious gear head (petrolhead in the UK:)). It's a Ford Escort MK1 Mexico with a Cosworth 2lt engine, my late dad owned the car and then I competed in Rallying with it through the 80's, but going through a full restoration ATM.
Not a car known in the US but Steve McQueen did own and compete in one, here's a brief right up of a guy in Canada who uses one in classic saloon car racing.

Pete the pelican.jpg

Pete the pelican doing a little fishing--he can usually be found in this tree unless he is flying around visiting the neighborhood.
O yes, very serious gear head (petrolhead in the UK:)). It's a Ford Escort MK1 Mexico with a Cosworth 2lt engine, my late dad owned the car and then I competed in Rallying with it through the 80's, but going through a full restoration ATM.
Not a car known in the US but Steve McQueen did own and compete in one, here's a brief right up of a guy in Canada who uses one in classic saloon car racing.

Looked almost like a Mustang to me. Very cool car!
Other pics from the day in Monterey/Carmel on the 17 mile drive.

Looked like an ordinary hat to me.
This Rolex was cool.
This one told me it was time to go.
I've heard that golfing at pebble beach is on the bucket list of many avid golfers, this may not phase them but I got sticker shock.
I'm still getting used to parking this thing.
Reminder Note to self: Park further back.



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I'm an avid golfer. In my opinion Pebble = most over rated golf course in the country. I've had many golf buddies play Pebble and very few enjoyed the round. Most say it averages 6 hours to play due to slow play and picture taking. Not on my bucket list! CA courses that are: Torrey Pines and Spy Glass for sure!

Best golf trip I've ever been on was Bandon Dunes, OR. Golf in the purest form! Never saw one golf cart the entire time I was there.
Job site is pure mud! I mean like we look for high ground kinda thing. Right where we work is about 4" of water and that is easier to work with! Problem is a lot of what we are doing requires us to weld under all that. Anyone arc weld underwater before? There's a reason most of you just said no.
Other pics from the day in Monterey/Carmel on the 17 mile drive.

Looked like an ordinary hat to me.
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This Rolex was cool.
View attachment 18223
This one told me it was time to go.
View attachment 18224
I've heard that golfing at pebble beach is on the bucket list of many avid golfers, this may not phase them but I got sticker shock.
View attachment 18225
I'm still getting used to parking this thing.
Reminder Note to self: Park further back.

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My Brother in law (huge golfer) tells a story about one of his buddies who was at one of the famous courses in California one day in March and thought he would rent some clubs and jump on the course even though it was going to be like 600.00 he thought it was a once in a lifetime round of golf so he asked for a tee time. They said they had something available in June. LOL....I guess the cost doesn't phase people.
View attachment 18229
Job site is pure mud! I mean like we look for high ground kinda thing. Right where we work is about 4" of water and that is easier to work with! Problem is a lot of what we are doing requires us to weld under all that. Anyone arc weld underwater before? There's a reason most of you just said no.
You gotta love the warmer weather but boy it sure does make a mess of things this time of year.
IMG_20150309_183022.jpg IMG_20150309_183032.jpg I went to the lake house for a couple of days. Seems like boating season is a long way off.


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Is that a frozen over lake? Looks pretty, but too damn cold!
Dang, i hope lake michigan is thawed out in a week because it's perch season then! Time to fill the freezer!
Dang, i hope lake michigan is thawed out in a week because it's perch season then! Time to fill the freezer!

that reminds of a funny story, My dad grew up in Chicago and when he was about 12 years old (in the early 1940's) he and his brother went down to the lake and caught 110 perch, only problem was they had to take the street car back home, the conductor made them stand on the back "bumper" and hold the rail so they wouldn't get fish all over the inside. Can you imagine a city worker exposing themselves to that much liability today, He always smiled when he told that story :)
Sorry for being immature; but I am honestly curious if Yamaha has lightened up at all over the years. Are the 2015s still plastered with warning stickers?
I leave it for the enjoyment (and of course more importantly the safety) of my guests on board.
Don't want water jammed up your rectum and vagina. that is for damn sure!
O yes, very serious gear head (petrolhead in the UK:)). It's a Ford Escort MK1 Mexico with a Cosworth 2lt engine, my late dad owned the car and then I competed in Rallying with it through the 80's, but going through a full restoration ATM.
Not a car known in the US but Steve McQueen did own and compete in one, here's a brief right up of a guy in Canada who uses one in classic saloon car racing.


The Cozzies are amazingly quick. I thought about one early on in my time over there but I was young so insurance was ridiculous. If I had stayed longer I was about to trade my Z32 for a TVR.