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Open letter to Yamaha and a dream for the future of Yamaha jetboating.


Jet Boat Junkie
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There is no doubt that Yamaha boats were once value buys marketed more for the biggest bang for your buck. Their market strategy has shifted as they branch into more competitive luxury and watersports markets. Anyone that was a value customer is certainly going to be left feeling jaded looking at these price tags.
I think this nails it on the head, and add that those that can/could/should move beyond the 'value' priced boats, will certainly be looking at other brands at this point. In 2015, we got a 212X, and we still love the boat, but for what they are charging for the current 212X, we have a lot more options out there. A lot more boats are also doing the stern seating/swim deck areas, which is one of the main attractions we had to the Yamaha Boats, so if I can get a better built boat with similar performance, better features, for the same, or at least similar price, why wouldn't I?