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Show us your tow rigs!

Photo May 01, 1 20 53 PM.jpg
Couldn’t turn down an offer I got for my 163k 2010 F150, so I pulled the trigger on this 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee High Altitude 5.7L. The truck market (as is everything else) is out of hand right now and I couldn’t get seated into something I thought was worth the prices they’re asking. Never been without a truck, so this will be an adjustment, but it sure is nice to drive. Couldn’t take the nickel and dime tendency of the Ford anymore, felt like I was waiting for the next big problem.


Couldn’t turn down an offer I got for my 163k 2010 F150, so I pulled the trigger on this 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee High Altitude 5.7L. The truck market (as is everything else) is out of hand right now and I couldn’t get seated into something I thought was worth the prices they’re asking. Never been without a truck, so this will be an adjustment, but it sure is nice to drive. Couldn’t take the nickel and dime tendency of the Ford anymore, felt like I was waiting for the next big problem.

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Looks great, yeah I’m now truck less as well. As I got the Suburban last fall, is it a pain to use a trailer (yes, as I have to go get it about 25 minutes away). However I moved dirt, mulch, and rocks this spring with a trailer and it was so nice not jumping up and out of my F150. In the past I have had access to a trailer but have always just used my truck bed. Much easier on your body and I got the work done faster as well (with being able to just push the wheelbarrow up on the trailer (to be right next to the pile).
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Looks great, yeah I’m now truck less as well. As I got the Suburban last fall, is it a pain to use a trailer (yes, as I have to go get it about 25 minutes away). However I moved dirt, mulch, and rocks this spring with a trailer and it was so nice not jumping up and out of my F150. In the past I have had access to a trailer but have always just used my truck bed. Much easier on your body and I got the work done faster as well (with being able to just push the wheel barrow up on the trailer (to be right next to the pile).

I’m in the same situation. I have access to a 8’x12’ trailer when ever I need it, just out of the way. I do like mulching and moving dirt off of that than than the bed of a truck. It is nice having closed off cargo area in the back rather than a big open bed. Eventually will look at a roof basket for vacations for some extra space.
I think the new ones do. Can't believe how much the prices have gone up in ten years. It handles the 252 well though you definitely know it's back there. Sits fairly level even though it has a 650 pound tongue weight.
Just occurred to me I never put an updated tow vehicle picture in this thread. Just the other thread about where I bought it. Anywho, here it is:

2017 Audi Q7 Prestige with 3.0T and 2017 AR190. Both in White/Black color :D

Not quite as "matchy matchy" as I had thought in my head. Yamaha and Audi have different opinions of "white" it appears :D
oh man, if I would of had the AWD one I probably would of kept it. I do miss the TBSS for sure but a local guy wanted to trade straight up for an f350 power stroke so I went with that. I honestly debated a Q5 myself as a potential tow pig especially since I already have an R8, thought it would be cool to carry on with Audi.

I haven't pulled my Sx230 with my AWD TBSS yet, but I suspect it will have no issues.

Love this thing. Wouldn't mind a 6l80... Might do a swap in it later.

Or buy an srt Durango or maybe Hellcat Durango... One day.
Here’s my setup. 2017 f150 crew cab. Still figuring out wiring and drop hitch for the Jeep.


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'14 Acura MDX SH-AWD. Tows it like a beast. 5K towing capacity. Upgraded trans cooler.


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