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You can fab your own using PVC piping from Lowes or Home Depot. I made one years ago for my Dodge Dakota and it was pretty amazing the difference it made for very little cost.
Okay, that I did not know. I was under the impression that the length of the intake would be prohibitive for any net gain.
Glad you guys brought this up. Could mock it up with PVC and if it tests good, get a molded silicon intake?
Okay, that I did not know. I was under the impression that the length of the intake would be prohibitive for any net gain.
Glad you guys brought this up. Could mock it up with PVC and if it tests good, get a molded silicon intake?

I used the Black PVC and it was the intake. You can google home made CAI and find tons of info.
I used the Black PVC and it was the intake. You can google home made CAI and find tons of info.
Right, I get that. The question is about the length of the run for such an intake pipe. To make it reach fresh air, it's a lot of pipe (and dead air) reducing the efficiency.
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Gonrcng,The set up works great doesn't it, Glade you did it, Im heading out to 3 rooker at some point tomorrow, if your out pass by
Right, I get that. The question is about the length of the run for such an intake pipe. To make it reach fresh air, it's a lot of pipe (and dead air) reducing the efficiency.

I think the main factor for improved efficiency will be upgrading the filter. I can say that paper filters don't flow near as much as a cotton filter, like K&N etc. I also don't think the length of intake will make a difference either.
The cooler the air the bet
Gonrcng,The set up works great doesn't it, Glade you did it, Im heading out to 3 rooker at some point tomorrow, if your out pass by

Yes sir. Very pleased. We are trying to get out tomorrow but Sunday is looking more promising. If we do get out tomorrow I will keep an eye open for ya.
If you guys want cool pics and info, go back to the first 8 pages of this topic. Everything you guys are working on now, has been done by @SamCF n I, in both aftermarket n stock appearing parts...downloadfile-2.jpeg
Yep, we know, some of us have used different parts to do the swap
If you guys want cool pics and info, go back to the first 8 pages of this topic. Everything you guys are working on now, has been done by @SamCF n I, in both aftermarket n stock appearing parts...View attachment 39014
Did you support your filter or is it just supported by the rubber intake hose?
Shawn route the filter to the back where the cooler air is, by the air hole on the back wall.
Shawn route the filter to the back where the cooler air is, by the air hole on the back wall.
@Tom V Are you saying that getting the filter closer to the opening/vent would be enough? I wish there was something that would actually fit through that opening, or behind that swim platform cushion.
Yes try to set it up so your sucking cooler air, the 3" tube should work fine, or run the 4" filter and tubing back to the supercharger elbow with a 3-4" adapter from Frozen boost.
Im still running my set up without the filter in the box, Most boats don't run filters just flame arresters, I'll set mine up with the 4"K&N shortly. If the boat back fired it would have to go through the intercooler then the supercharger before it came through the air box. "Thats not happening".
Shawn route the filter to the back where the cooler air is, by the air hole on the back wall.
That's the plan. I took out the stock airbox to get started on my tubing and noticed how soft that intake fitting is on the supercharger. That's the reason I asked about supporting it. I plan on getting the filter as close to fresh air as I can.
Yep, You will have to fab up some way to support the tube to the side of the engine compartment and also support the filter at the end.
Save our sand bar is this saturday, just north of anclote island, Big party
To those who've added aftermarket intercoolers, Since you need to run an additional cooling line from the strainer through the hull to the IC, is there also an additional pee hole line to run?
I went with the Fizzle IC which has single outlet so I used the stock hose and (pisser) outlet. If you go with the SVHO you would need to add to benefit from the dual outlet.
I believe the IC from Frozenboost is also single outlet.
I went with the Fizzle IC which has single outlet so I used the stock hose and (pisser) outlet. If you go with the SVHO you would need to add to benefit from the dual outlet.
I believe the IC from Frozenboost is also single outlet.
Yes the frozen boost cooler is single outlet.