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I fogged it once and because of the BOV that stuff went everywhere....Shawn, that looks awesome Re-route your fogging port so your spraying into the hose connected to the throttle body, The way it is now, your going to end up coating the supercharger wheel with oil, it will hurt performance, All your looking to fog is the valve stems in the head, not the supercharger and intercooler, we don't need oil in there. Don't know why it was installed like that.
Nice, that will do it, I have mine in the silicone hose with the same fitting as yours, no problems yet but I like the one you ordered much better than what I'm using. I wouldn't worry too much about what you already sprayed in there, just better off not fogging it that way anymore.Just ordered one of these. Looks like it will work perfect.View attachment 39461
That's awesome. I didn't get to go out this weekend. Next Saturday can't get here fast enough.That looks awesome, I ran our boat saturday with 4 adults, 2- 8yr olds, 1 -10 yr old and 2 coolers packed full of beer,soda,ice and food plus all the other crap women bring with them. The boat got up on plane instantly and held 47 mph with no problem, this is the most amount of weight I have had in it yet. Very happy with the outcome, didn't think it would do so well.
I can't comment much on the svho but as you have probably read, an ic upgrade definitely helps. Mine has completely eliminated my heat soak issue. Latest test was with 7 on board, 100 temp, 90 water and boat did 48 all day long. Only dropped about 2 or so mph with the extra 3 people. Please post your results!This is a very good and informative thread. I'll be installing an SVHO intercooler soon that I just bought. Curious to see how well it helps out the heat soak. The top speed and rpms drop just as everyone has described. This will be my only engine mod (fix) for now.
Why does it cavitate? Is the impeller damaged? cavitation can also be caused by air leaks in the pump transom plate.Hey guys, don't mean to hijack the cooling mods but what impeller should I get for my sx192? It cavitates bad!
Do I also need a stainless steel wear ring?