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SX 192 Mods

Gonrcng, Do they sell the anode fitting by itself?
Gonrcng, Do they sell the anode fitting by itself?
Not on the website but yes they do. $52.50 shipped for the fitting with anode , bolt and 45* hose barb.
Anyone know where I can find a 2x 1/4'' to 3/4" adapter? I want to use a SVHO IC but I don't want to cut another hole in the hull. I installed a larger outlet a few months ago and it should allow enough flow for the 2 outlets on the SVHO IC. Thanks.
Just a little "attention to detail" tidbit. If you are considering adding a dedicated water line to an aftermarket ic or stock ic and wondering what to do with the extra port on you splitter, you can either use it for an anode replacement feed or just buy a splitter from a sx/ar 190. Quick and easy for under $15.
View attachment 37373

Do you have a part # for this splitter?
Anyone know where I can find a 2x 1/4'' to 3/4" adapter? I want to use a SVHO IC but I don't want to cut another hole in the hull. I installed a larger outlet a few months ago and it should allow enough flow for the 2 outlets on the SVHO IC. Thanks.
Im sure the SVHO would be an improvement over stock for sure and much cheaper than the fizzle. However, I've seen mixed reviews on the level of improvement. Some love it and some say they saw no difference. Its still a "single pass" IC. Riva also sells a kit that increase the size of your stock IC (spacer and larger coil). Im gonna attempt to post a link to a site that sells a bunch of fittings....
Im sure the SVHO would be an improvement over stock for sure and much cheaper than the fizzle. However, I've seen mixed reviews on the level of improvement. Some love it and some say they saw no difference. Its still a "single pass" IC. Riva also sells a kit that increase the size of your stock IC (spacer and larger coil). Im gonna attempt to post a link to a site that sells a bunch of fittings....

Do the SVHO Waverunners have the overheating issues?
@360dart Reported good results here in 192.
SVHOs are a lot more powerful and do not suffer from heat soak. That said, per Greenhulk reports there is a consensus the Fizzle intercooler will add a pound or two of boost (in SVHO FXs, over the SVHO OEM unit).
@360dart Reported good results here in 192.
SVHOs are a lot more powerful and do not suffer from heat soak. That said, per Greenhulk reports there is a consensus the Fizzle intercooler will add a pound or two of boost (in SVHO FXs, over the SVHO OEM unit).

That is good to know. I am not really worried about more power, just don't want the heat soak issue. The guy that I got the boat from is a Yamaha Tech for bikes and quads and he said he never heard of the 192's having issues with the intercooler. I also asked him about warranty concerns, he said if he problem didn't come from the upgrade YES would still cover warranty work. I am going to get the SVHO next week when I get back from our family vacation. I will be sure to update when I take the boat out.
The only issue the factory intercooler has is, that its inadequate for the application. Once it gets hot, it drops significant mph. Up to 5mph. Boats should have been factory equipped with a SVHO intercooler...
downloadfile.jpeg downloadfile-1.jpeg
Edited by txav8r to show full image in post
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As stated above. There are just as many aftermarket ICs for the SVHOs as the SHOs. When I was considering what to get, I knew that I was going to do future modifications so I wanted to ensure my IC was not gonna be my limiting factor. For a stock boat the fizzle is more than enough and hopefully the SVHO will do the same for you. There are a bunch of them available for one simple reason. People are removing and replacing with something else for whatever reason. Please post your results for sure!
Just got home from the lake and yet another day with no issues. Water was very calm, 81f water with 4 adults and boat did 51.2 gps and not a hint of heat soak!
Jerry thats great news, whats your air temp like? how hot is your engine water, verses the intercooler water?
Jerry thats great news, whats your air temp like? how hot is your engine water, verses the intercooler water?
Air temperature was right at 90 today. So the engine outlet is hotter than the IC outlet, a lot. IC outlet is actually about the same as the lake. I got an adjustable orifice (flow control) coming so I can play around with the flows. Prior to the dedicated water line and strainer, water outlet would almost burn you. Its not near that hot now. Once flow control is installed, ill take my infrared thermometer and get some accurate numbers to post...
This is my 3rd season owning the boat and have always had performance issues until now!
Mine is the same, water temp seems to stay the same as lake or gulf, I'm pretty happy with the performance now, compared to what it was stock. Still aiming to get a solid 50 mph all the time.
The humidity is so high here i think that is whats holding me from the 50 mph I want, during the winter the boat would run 50-51 all the time, the rpms are still 7500-7600 with no problem, before the intercooler swap I could only hit 7100 rpm.
My previous best was right at 49 and now that I think about it, my kids were in the bow. This time, no kids and all adults were in the rear. But I think anything near 50 is great! Far cry from the heat soaked 40mph I was getting last summer!
The humidity is so high here i think that is whats holding me from the 50 mph I want, during the winter the boat would run 50-51 all the time, the rpms are still 7500-7600 with no problem, before the intercooler swap I could only hit 7100 rpm.
I do see a lot of variability on the rpm side. I don't have any other tachometer than the stock one but today it was about a needle thickness from 8000. Didn't think to switch the display
I agree 100%, 40 mph was horrible, Sam was the guy who got me started on the intercooler project and can't thank him enough for sharing his work. Great Guy.
The only issue the factory intercooler has is, that its inadequate for the application. Once it gets hot, it drops significant mph. Up to 5mph. Boats should have been factory equipped with a SVHO intercooler...
@360dart So happy to see you back here! You guys (you and @SamCF ) who started this thread are awesome!