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SX 192 Mods

Do the intercooler 1st. It makes the most difference.
I'm ready to do this mod. Just have to find an SVHO intercooler. No luck so far. :(
I'm ready to do this mod. Just have to find an SVHO intercooler. No luck so far. :(
Did you check and/or post on greenhulk?
I've been watching the classified and contact a couple people, but no luck thus far.
No, think I'll hold on to it incase I ever have issues with the frozen boost cooler. I run in salt water so I don't know what the life span will be on the frozen boost unit. I originally wanted to go with the SVHO unit but it was hard to find one last yr. If I come across another I will contact you, The frozen boost is a good unit and cheap you just have a little pluming to do.
Keep checking on Greenhulk.net or post WTB svho intercooler in the yamaha 4 stroke thread.
Figured I'd post a follow up after my first run with the SVHO intercooler installed.

Took 30min or so to swap it out. I would rate my mechanics skill as "knowledgeable" but your every day guy could easily do this. I Tee'd the lines for a single exit, I would've prefered to Y them but a T is what I had. I also purchased a molded heater hose from autozone that had two 90 degree bends in it to cut to not worry about kinking any hoses. I love that this is easily reversible as I would swap it back for any warranty work.

I had a chance to get the boat in fresh water and carry the biggest load of people I ever had this weekend, I doubled the hours on the boat in two days.

6 adults on the boat, two in the bow (one 120, one 250) and over 1/2 tank of fuel the boat still managed to get to over 40mph wide open which I was thrilled with. We went on a roughly 1.5 hr cruise in water temps in the 88-90 range. When I got back to the dock two of the kids wanted to go for a quick spin, 2 adults(190, 175) 2 small kids(85 and 110?) (no one in bow)...boat still did 47-48mph after that cruise, no cool down. Mind you the water wasn't glass by any means.

I had no issue getting the boat to at least 40mph even with a big load of people and the top up, I also had never pulled a tuber before this weekend and no issue on power. From what I've read people in the bow hurt the top end, but in a 19ft boat I don't ask people to all squish in the back. It's only fuel :)

Saturday going back to the boat ramp I was by myself with 1/2 tank of fuel and got it to 51mph (slight head wind and very little chop), boat felt like a rocket out of the hole. I played for 15-20min, with another 20min of idle time waiting for some swimmer race. After that I punched it again and the boat easily got to 48mph before I let off getting close to a no wake zone.

Anyway, I got this used intercooler for $125, I can't recommend it enough. All speeds GPS verified I have a Lowarance elite 5 on board. Amazingly enough the stock speedo on my boat is pretty accurate, it's very slow to respond to speed changes but accurate once it settles.
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Thats Great news! So you like your boat now? Great deal on the svho cooler too.
Thats Great news! So you like your boat now? Great deal on the svho cooler too.

I'll be honest I never disliked my boat, I'm rarely wide open throttle in the boat after getting it up on plane as I usually take it places (More travel to places than playing in a lake). However once I know something can be "better" easily, it'll eat at me until I fix it. Even the fuel mileage doesn't bother me, but I wish it did have a larger tank as the range is just ok.

With that in mind I'm happy with my purchase, I was really happy with the amount of room the boat had with 6 adults on board and the performance of the boat with that load. In my bias'd opinion I don't think you can get that in a typical 19 ft class of boat in the other brands.
I'll be honest I never disliked my boat, I'm rarely wide open throttle in the boat after getting it up on plane as I usually take it places (More travel to places than playing in a lake). However once I know something can be "better" easily, it'll eat at me until I fix it. Even the fuel mileage doesn't bother me, but I wish it did have a larger tank as the range is just ok.

With that in mind I'm happy with my purchase, I was really happy with the amount of room the boat had with 6 adults on board and the performance of the boat with that load. In my bias'd opinion I don't think you can get that in a typical 19 ft class of boat in the other brands.
Ok i want to do this mod. I'm a little disappointed in the power of this boat. What do I need to now exactly to try to find this inter cooler. What's it come off of? Thanks
Ok i want to do this mod. I'm a little disappointed in the power of this boat. What do I need to now exactly to try to find this inter cooler. What's it come off of? Thanks

There are two routes you can go:

1) Buy a used Yamaha SVHO intercooler (these come off their SVHO performance waverunner PWC's). There are a lot of us keeping an eye out for used SVHO intercoolers to pop up on greenhulk and ebay as not only the boat guys want them but also the SHO PWC guys on a budget want them as they have the same problems as us since its the same motor. These are in high demand.

2) Buy aftermarket Fizzle Y1000, Frozen Boost, RIVA etc intercooler. A bit more involved and not as "direct bolt on" as the SVHO intercooler swap would be but they provide more efficiency than OEM intercoolers and they would offer a higher performance ceiling to explore. They also cost a bit more to put it all together.
So I never looked at how much the OEM intercoolers are for the SVHO. Holy cow.. $1900!

Yea that's why you buy it used :D
More info. SVHO intercooler, 2015 SX192....25ish hours

This weekend, river run (water is near flat but some current)

Low-mid 90's air temp, water temp read 93 Degrees :-x

4 adults and 1 60lb German Shepherd...Small cooler (probably 40lbs) So lets call it 800lbs for everyone and dog/supplies. Plus a full tank of gas. Everyone was in the back of the boat.

I had the top up for a while so I didn't do any kind of high speed run with the boat cold, until I broke the clips on my top and put it down.

Against the current and the boat hot, I'd get 7100 RPM or so and 44mph on the GPS. I had her wide open for a few minutes trying to get to the bridge that was opening on the hour. The rpms stayed pretty steady between 7000-7100.

Going down River for a short run boat had been running over a hour straight at this point but some idle time at bridges and no wake, I got it to 47-48mph. Didn't have the digital tach up at that time and ran out of room.

More data is good right? I like thread updates as a guy on the fence :)
Ok so I think I've sourced an SVHO intercooler. Do I have to get a tapper strainer before I can install it or is that something I can put off later? The SVHO is direct bolt up and go or needs strainer and extra hoses to make it work in the boat? I'm just going to "Y" the exit cooling lines into the single stock pisser as I don't want to cut my boat just for a new pisser.
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Direct swap, you can do the other mods later, just do the Y on the exit water like you said.
On everyone's advice, I scored an SVHO intercooler yesterday. Now, is there a Yamaha part number for the Y? Good source for the short hoses/clamps?
