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SX 192 Mods

You could drill to add one more hole and get these for each IC/bilge opening in the hull:

http://actionpowersports.net/product/ada-45-degree-billet-bilge-fitting/ (iirc from earlier in this thread).

I had the dealer's service guy drill a third hole in my brand new FSH Sport, for a dedicated 2d bilge exit, so I'll have three of these in a row (in silver)

O (bilge) O (bilge) O (coolant). Obviously you'd have a fourth, which would be even more appealing, at least to me.

I don't have a SC'd boat, but have built and owned SC'd and turbo'd cars. I'd expect to see reduced I/C temps with two dedicated exit holes in the hull, versus only one exit with a "Y" adaptor.

If you're concerned about the pressure and volume of water being high enough to get two exits to produce a flow, you can reduce the hose diameter for each of the I/C exits, since the backsides of these 45 degree fittings (in link) have hose barbs and could be adapted to attach smaller diameter hoses.
Thanks Swimmingly, I saw your posts previously. I was going to change the hoses in the future as necessary. Without another flow line from the pump, I was worried that extra intercooler flow would steal form the motor. On the other hand, pump output is at a fixed pressure, and flow the the motor path is a fixed pressure drop, so flow should be unaffected.
You're welcome!

The pressure and flow thing I mentioned was more about how the coolant water would flow out of the two exits, if you did add a second intercooler exit in the hull. Two coolant exits, both with the same hose diameter as the existing single exit, could result in less pressure/flow that could cause two trickles of hot coolant (and salt, etc.) down the side of your boat.

If you add a second hose/exit, I'm thinking it may be important to reduce the diameter of your intercooler coolant hoses to be sure both coolant fittings shoot the water away from the boat (ideally, two coolant fittings in the hull will push/disperse water like the single fitting does now).
If I remember correctly, the stock line reduces to a smaller diameter line about two feet from the exit.
There is a fitting a few feet from the exit as you noted. The clips on each side are different part numbers, so probably different diameter. The hose out of the intercooler is 1/2" ID, about 3/4" OD.
I was out for the first time today with the SVHO intercooler. Top speed at first was 45 mph with 4 adults, 4 kids, 100% fuel, slight chop, which was normal. At the end of the day by myself I could only do 40 mph at 7000 rpm. Water was luke warm out of the intercooler exit. I used the existing cooling lines, just combined the two intercooler outputs into one.
I was out for the first time today with the SVHO intercooler. Top speed at first was 45 mph with 4 adults, 4 kids, 100% fuel, slight chop, which was normal. At the end of the day by myself I could only do 40 mph at 7000 rpm. Water was luke warm out of the intercooler exit. I used the existing cooling lines, just combined the two intercooler outputs into one.

So you still experienced heat soak after the SVHO install? 45 with 4 adults and 4 kids sounds nice but 40 by yourself sounds low for what others have been getting.
It wasn't a perfectly controlled test, but I maxed out at 40 after an hour of tubing. I noticed the engine bay was warm and the intercooler was pretty hot after taking the boat out of the water. Lake temperature was at least 85 and air 90. Next time out will be my family only, so I can test top speed more often. It would be nice if the intake pulled cooler air somewhere. I'm not sure if a dedicated water line to the intercooler will make a huge difference. There was plenty of flow from both pissers while tubing at 20 mph.
Perhaps the dedicated cooling line for the SVHO C is a must? What elevation or where are you boating at? Water temps here are in the low to mid 90's and once heat soak sets in I'm usually at 7000-7200 RPM which puts me anywhere from 40-43 MPH with the stock intercooler.
Houston, so sea level. It was really humid yesterday too, raining off and on. Just like in a house, humid air takes more energy to cool. Besides the hole in the hull, the dedicated line doesn't look too tough.
Success yesterday, full rpm and speed throughout the day with SVHO intercooler. It was 89 and 55% RH (lowest in a long time). I also made a point of running the blower when we stopped until the air cooled off some. Water temperature reported as 85F at 12ft, I would guess high 80s at surface.
I too had a good day running. I have completed (with the help of @Tom V - Great guy!) the SVHO intercooler (dedicated line with 2 exhaust pissers) and ribbon delete mods. Yesterday (9/11 God Bless) afternoon top speed of 47 GPS with 3 adults and 7/8 tank was consistent. RPMs never changed 7500-7600. Hole shots are very torque(e) at 7500rpm. Never had that before!!! Boat practically jumps on plane. Temp was 93°, water ~85°, humidity 50% and no chop/flat (in Riviera Bay). Overall, am very pleased with the results. Looking forward to cooler temps and higher top speeds!

Thinking about moving air filter to the back to suck up cooler outside air. Anybody notice a difference?
I finally got my YDS cable and software yesterday. The data was eye opening.

To start with, my engine temp is reaching 220 degrees pretty quickly at full throttle. Slowing down to 30 mph brings the temp down, but slowly. I think the target is 185 degrees, so I need to add some cooling ASAP. It's possible that my added intercooler line is robbing coolant from the engine, but the engine pisser seems to have as good or better flow than before. I'm going to try choking back the intercooler line and watching engine temp. I don't think it will be that easy though.

Second, the throttle won't go anywhere near full open. The boost limiter is kicking in at 7550 rpms and 66 degree throttle position. I'm looking now for a used powershot to get rid of the boost limiter. If I can get the full 7800 rpms and full throttle I will be satisfied for now.

Third, I monitored the intake air temperature with and without the cold air intake. With the CAI installed, the temp was 104 F. Without the CAI, the temp was 105F. Both seem kind of high to me, but I don't know what they were before the intercooler install. At least this shows the CAI is not beneficial in my setup. I'm probably going to put the stock air box back in if it doesn't affect performance. Just one less thing to put back in later if the boat has to go to the dealer. Might see those numbers change later with higher boost pressures though.

So I guess I have some things to work on. Nice to have some real numbers to see what direction to go. I'm convinced that this is a 60 mph boat with a few mods. Who's going to be first?

Hey Sam did you ever figure a way to lower your engine temps? Are you still thinking you dedicated line is robbing your engine somehow? Aldo what makes the cooling mods cause Gas in oil? Are we better off not doing the dedicated line to the IC? I have an SVHO intercooler deal in the works.
This was a good read on the "GIO" http://www.greenhulk.net/forums/showthread.php?t=111406&page=3. It seems the additional cooling could be a culprit. I probably won't do a dedicated IC line at first when I upgrade the IC. I'd rather add one mod at the time so I know which has an affect or not.

@texmo02 what was your top speed and RPM on your success days and did you end up running a dedicated cooling line to the SVHO IC?
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I finally scored a SVHO intercooler! The guy I bought it from said when he originally bought it for his SHO and received it, one of the outlets broke in shipping. So he tapped and threaded it for a barb fitting. Said it worked fine while he had it but he ultimately upgraded to a Fizzle with supporting mods and had no need for the SVHO IC. He is sending me both the straight and 90° barb fittings. I got it for $195 shipped from Canada.



Looks like it'll work just fine.
Can you take a pic of how you Tee'd into the two stock pisser outlets? You are still running just SVHO intercooler, no dedicated line for IC and ribbon not removed? Your boat still getting 47-50 mph consistently?
I've always got a lot of weight in the boat. Last outing was 4 adults and 3 kids plus coolers and gear. I was mid 40's with the wind and little chop. I'm still impressed by the boat. Before the IC I was a bit dissapointed every now and then. Not anymore. It never feels slow even with a load of people. IMG_4611.JPG
So took out boat first time after installing IC (Fizzle) and ribbon delete Stock Air filter. 4 adults, 1 child, 1 dog and 1 cooler Bimini Up. Water temp 88 air about 92. Top speed constant no heat soak 48 by speedo. 7500 Rpm. I am in gulf (Florida) Feels more alive, little louder but i feels like even fuel economy got a little better as well. Any one getting over 7500RPMs?
So took out boat first time after installing IC (Fizzle) and ribbon delete Stock Air filter. 4 adults, 1 child, 1 dog and 1 cooler Bimini Up. Water temp 88 air about 92. Top speed constant no heat soak 48 by speedo. 7500 Rpm. I am in gulf (Florida) Feels more alive, little louder but i feels like even fuel economy got a little better as well. Any one getting over 7500RPMs?
What a first post!
Welcome to the club.