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SX 192 Mods

IMG_0143.PNG IMG_0142.PNG I went with the 1/2 by 45. Almost the same hole size as factory. Had to use a Dremel tool to open up just a hair.
I need to get around to running my extra line and changing out my pissers like you guys did. Looks great!
It's easy to do. I originally ordered the 3/4 ones but didn't want to drill out all my hole bigger. And also I was worried about waterflow going from a 1/2 line to a 3/4 line. I also ordered the factory hose and fittings to put on my other line so it all looks stock. Here is a video of it at idle on the hose.
Video not showing up for me. Like you I'll probably do the 1/2" fittings.
Cant get it upload sorry
I thought about water flow as well. But that was after they were all installed..
The way I see it.. Less resistance = more heat transferring out.
Time will tell. Will have it on the water next weekend.
How the heck is your boat so quiet out of the water?
I think the water was just covering up the sound. Is yours alot louder?
I tested my theory yesterday that a big part of the noise problem on our boats is due to the big hollow space in the back of the boat and I think it made a noticeable difference. I stuffed 3 pieces of 2'x2'6" open cell foam that I had laying around (2" thick) into the back of the starboard side of the boat through one of the little maintenance holes. I think it really did a lot to stop the sound from resonating back there and quieted the boat overall, especially at the lower to mid RPM ranges. I currently have a sheet of the same stuff covering the fuel tank too and I noticed a difference when I put that in two. I think the open cell stuff has the most impact in slowing the sound waves with the type of noise our engines produce, but unfortunately it going to be far more susceptible to mold than the closed cell stuff. I am going to open up the back lid so I can really get in there and actually glue some pieces in there where they should not come in contact with any bilge water. Anybody know how hot the water box in the back gets? I made sure not to put any foam near it when I tested, but wondering how concerned I need to be with that.
I tested my theory yesterday that a big part of the noise problem on our boats is due to the big hollow space in the back of the boat and I think it made a noticeable difference. I stuffed 3 pieces of 2'x2'6" open cell foam that I had laying around (2" thick) into the back of the starboard side of the boat through one of the little maintenance holes. I think it really did a lot to stop the sound from resonating back there and quieted the boat overall, especially at the lower to mid RPM ranges. I currently have a sheet of the same stuff covering the fuel tank too and I noticed a difference when I put that in two. I think the open cell stuff has the most impact in slowing the sound waves with the type of noise our engines produce, but unfortunately it going to be far more susceptible to mold than the closed cell stuff. I am going to open up the back lid so I can really get in there and actually glue some pieces in there where they should not come in contact with any bilge water. Anybody know how hot the water box in the back gets? I made sure not to put any foam near it when I tested, but wondering how concerned I need to be with that.
The waterbox does not get hot at all, warm at most. Unless you ran the engine dry I suppose.

I ordered my thru boats. Net.
I ordered my thru boats. Net.

The break down looks odd, what did you order? I need to probably just climb in the back seat and see how it's broken down. These diagrams aren't always to scale.
To do one compete hose assembly for the second pisser you will need the following numbers.

1ea. 25.
1ea. 26
2ea. 27
1ea. 28
1ea. 29
1ea. 30
Number 26 is the plastic cover that goes over the hose( is says spring)