Awesome stuff
@Khalid and glad you all had a great trip! The protected waters of the Exumas are certainly a wonderful experience. I agree a trip of this distance you really need 10+ days to truly enjoy. From a skis perspective, you'll need several days to just physically recover from the long runs.
I met a couple guys this year in Bimini on skis at the fuel docks that were set to go to the Exumas but after a 6 hour crossing to Bimini from Miami the day before, they decided to go back to Miami and fly to Staniel Cay instead. I told them they need to go 10 to 20 miles around Bimini and on the bank toward Chub to get a feel for what conditions were before completely calling off their planned adventure. I don't know if they gave it a shot or not. Point being for those interested in such a trip, whether you're in a boat or a ski if you're planning this trip you really need to understand the distance involved as its a good run across the ocean. I personally would encourage a trip or two to Bimini first if you haven't ran several miles across the open ocean for a multitude of reasons.
IMO, under normal sea conditions running at a good pace a boat can make it to the Exumas in 2 days. While a ski can also do that, I think it's a better expectation for a 3 day run with variations of stops based on weather.